Agents of Shield - Fitz

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Skye was being loaded on to the bus, inside the pod, completely unconscious and unaware. You hadn't left you bunk since she was shot by Quinn. Not one of the team had seen you, you never trained, never came down to eat or even grab a drink. This behaviour worried everyone, including Ward, but it worried Fitz most of all. He knew you blamed yourself for what happened, wishing you could have been there to take the shots, you got there too late, he found you sobbing on the floor in a curled up ball, that only he could calm you down from. Everyone was just hanging around with hope that Skye could be saved. 

That morning when everyone was somewhere, you'd gone down to let your anger out on to a punching bag. Thats when the team heard an ear-piercing scream. Fitz was the first to react, he ran down to the the make shift training room, you were laid on the mat, holding your arm. "(Y/N), (Y/N). It's okay, I'm right here, let go of your arm and let me take a look" he said calmly, you didn't let go, he put a hand to your cheek "Let go of your arm, so I can look at what you've done" he said. You let go, he took a good look "It's okay, you've just fractured a small bone" he said. Simmons came down "Go get a sling" Fitz said. Once the sling was on, he helped you up. "Where do you want to go?" he asked "With you" you replied "Let's get you in the lab, You can rest on the stretcher, I'm sure Ward can make you some soup, I'll feed it to you if you'd like" he said, you nodded. 

Ward came down with the soup, Fitz spoon fed you, Simmons watching "Sometimes I wish we all could help her" she said "I wish you could too" Fitz replied, as he covered your sleeping form with a blanket "She's lost herself after Quinn, She really took to a number on him" Simmons said "yeah, I'd love to to know what's going on in that head of hers, she so tense, even when sleeping" he said. 

On the day of Skye's treatment, Fitz stood with you, he arms holding you "Feeling okay?" he asked "Yeah, bit tired" you replied "As to be expected. You'll be fine soon" he said. Since your injury, sleeping had been a problem, but it was getting better. The team watched at the medicine began reacting in Skye, you slack grip on Fitz tightened "It's okay, It's working, if you need to leave, squeeze my hand twice" he said. 

Fitz started to feel you tense, he walked you out followed by Trip "What's wrong?" Trip asked "I don't know, grab some units of epi and some sedation just in case" Fitz said, he took you up to the living area just before you collapsed, you started shaking. Coulson and the others came up "Is she okay?" Coulson asked "She's having a grand mal, can you look into the files and find out" he said. Simmons rushed up when May went to tell her, you'd stopped shaking. Fitz checked your pulse "Okay, that's good" he said. Coulson came upstairs "Enhanced, she can take the pain of others, meaning she's taken Skye's pain with the injection" he said. You slowly woke up, Fitz helped you up, you sat against him "What happened?" you asked "You had a grand mal, just your powers. I'll help you control them, but you need your rest, you'll sleep here I'll keep my eye on you" he said. 

Trip picked you up laying you on the couch, Simmons brought up IV fluids and the rescue medicine. 

Fitz stroke your hair "You'll be just fine, I love you, you're my sweetheart. Always will be. You close your eyes, get some sleep. I'm here all night if you need me" he said "Love you too" you said. 

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