This is Karma

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You had to attend a meeting with the team and you really didn't want to go. You hated when Sectary Ross showed up and gave his input which no one had clearly asked for or he started talking about the bypass and golf which bored the hell out of you and Tony. You decided to come up with a master plan to fake sick to avoid the meeting. You applied the waterproof makeup that you wore on missions, to make yourself look pale and splashed some water on your face. You had to think fast, as the team were due to get up, if it was minor they would tell you to go, so you decided to sit in-front of the toilet, with your arm around your stomach.

There was a knock at your door "(Y/N), it's time to get up" you heard Nat's voice call, "I'll come and drag you from your bed!" she yelled. It wasn't long before she entered the room, she checked your bed, she saw the light in the bathroom, she ran in "(Y/N), Are you okay?" she asked, you leaned over the toilet "Have you been sick?" she asked, you shook your head "Stomach hurts and I feel like I will" you replied "I'm going to get you some water" she said getting up.

She went into the kitchen "Where's (Y/N)?" Tony asked "In her bathroom hunched over the toilet" Nat replied "You're kidding, why couldn't I have gotten sick?" Tony whined "Oh, shut up whining. She's hates being like this" Clint replied. You walked into the kitchen "You get back to bed" Bucky said "No, important meeting" you replied. Nat handed you the glass "Drink" she said forcing you to sit down on the couch. Bruce put his hand to your forehead "You've not got a fever. Yet you feel sick" he said "Should I have one?" you asked "Normally yes" Bruce replied. Nat looked at you "You're faking" she said "Ugh, fine. I don't want to go the meeting" you said. "(Y/N)! Seriously!" Nat exclaimed "I'll go get ready and take the make up off" you said getting up.

You went down to the meeting with the others, you sat next to Bucky and Steve. Nat didn't even look at you once. Half way through the meeting you started to feel strange, your throat hurt, you had a painful headache and your stomach was acting up. You shivers which didn't go unnoticed, Bucky took his jacket off and put it over you. The meeting ended, you all headed upstairs for lunch. "Why did you do that? It's really bad" Bruce said, you didn't say anything "(Y/N), eat something, then we can get to work" Nat said. "Not hungry" you replied "You've got to eat" Bruce said "Don't want to" you replied. "(Y/N), you're acting like a child, eat something now" Nat said. "I'm not acting like a child, I'm not hungry" you replied. You felt bile rise in your throat but you swallowed it, not wanting them to know.

You were ultimately failing as Steve, Bucky, Clint, Tony, Thor, Dr Strange, Wanda and literally everyone else who was there knew you weren't well for real. After everyone else had eaten, Bucky sat with you at the table, while Bruce was trying to get you to eat "Bruce, there's not point in trying, if she's not hungry, she doesn't have to eat" Bucky said "She's not sick. She's just being stubborn because we caught her out" Bruce replied "(Y/N), come on." Bruce didn't seem to be giving in, you started coughing, you reached for Bucky's hand, he moved his seat closer to you. You lurched forward and puked, it went all over you, the floor and even Bruce. Bucky rubbed your back "Get it all up, good girl" he said, Dr Strange came over, you looked at him "It's okay, Bucky will help you get cleaned up, I'll sort everything out here" he said.

Bucky carried you to your bathroom.

Dr Strange cleaned up the floor, he looked at Bruce "That's what you get for trying to force her to eat" he said, Bruce went to his room to clean up.

Bucky sat you in the tub as he changed your clothes, you were crying "It's okay. I knew you were ill, as soon as you shivered in the meeting I saw this coming" he said. He stood you up by the sink, handed you some water "Rinse out your mouth, then I'll get your blanket and you sit with me on the couch" he said, you nodded lightly. Bucky carried you back to the living room, he sat with you on his lap, wrapped in the blanket. Dr Strange brought over a glass of water and a bucket, he checked your temperature "103.3, that's high. Wanda, be a dear and go get a cooling patch" he said. Steve sat next you, letting you rest your legs on his. Wanda came back with a box of cooling patches, she placed one on your forehead. Dr Strange confirmed you had a stomach bug "It'll last probably about two days, then another two days for her to regain strength and begin eating again" he said.

A few hours later, you woke up from your nap still in Bucky's arms, you whined as your stomach twisted "stop acting" Nat mumbled "Hey, watch it Romanoff. You think this is acting, when she literally threw up" Bucky said "Maybe she shouldn't have faked it, then I might actually believe her" Nat replied. "I really don't feel well" you said "I know. The rest of us will take care of you" Bucky said. You gagged "Let's sit you up" Bucky said, Tony walked in "Tony can you hold the bucket?" Bucky asked "sure" Tony replied.

Bucky began to rub your stomach "No, No, don't wanna" you said "You'll feel better when you've got rid of it" Bucky said "I don't wanna be sick" you cried "once you've done, you'll be okay" Tony said. Bucky started to press in your stomach "Stop please" you cried "You need to stop holding it in, babe." Bucky said as he began to press a little more. You gagged again this time more harshly and you started vomiting, Bucky carried on rubbing and pressing on your stomach while whispering words of comfort. When you finished Tony went to clean out the bucket, Bucky helped you to have a few sips of water, you laid your head in his arm, he was holding you like you would a baby "I know you don't like it. I love you, and just want you to feel better. I'm going to take you to my room then you can sleep a little better" he said, you nodded as he picked you up and carried you down the hallway.

Bucky tucked you under the cover, Tony brought in the bucket and put it by the bed. Wanda came to replace the cooling patch on your forehead, "It feels like your fever has gone up, hun. I'll go get Stephen" she said. Dr Strange walked in, he checked your temperature and pulse "104, it's gone up. Her pulse seems fine. I suggest giving her a cooling bath to bring it down" he said.

He went into the living room "How's she doing?" Clint asked "Her fever is at 104 now" Dr Strange replied "That's not good, surely there's something that we can give her to bring it down" Thor said "Sadly not. As it is a sickness bug, she'll just keep vomiting" Dr Strange said "so she's really sick then" Nat said "yes, I thought we established that" Steve said.

After the bath, Bucky laid you back down in bed "It hurts!!" You cried "What hurts, doll?" Bucky asked "My good tummy side" you replied "That's your right side isn't it?" He asked, you nodded. "Shit, okay. Just hang on a second" Bucky said. He went into the living room "Steve, Dr Strange. I need you like right now" he said. They both ran into his room "(Y/N), hey. We're going to take you to the lab, Bucky will carry you, Steve will bring your blanket" Dr Strange said "don't want to move, hurts to much" you said "I'll be very gently" Bucky said kissing your cheek, he picked you up. They all went down to the lab.

Dr Strange checked you over "it's appendicitis, I can do the operation here, but I'd rather do it at the hospital." He said, You let out a blood curdling Scream "It's here and now" Strange said, the team ran down, Bruce came in "Let's do this" he said. "Bucky don't go" you said "I'm going outside, I'll be right next to you when you wake up" he said. Bucky left the room once you were asleep.

It was an hour later when Bruce and Dr Strange came out of the room "It went well, she'll wake up in an hour or two, she'll still be sore but she'll be fine" Bruce said. Bucky went in the room and held your hand, the only sound filling the room the was the beeping of the heart monitor. The rest of the team watch from the window "This is painful to watch" Nay said "oh, now you believe she was sick" Wanda said "You don't fake sick to not go to a meeting. In whole honesty this is karma" Nat said, Bucky looked up "He heard me, didn't he?" She asked "yep, you might not want to go in there" Sam said.

You started to wake up "Bucky, I'm cold" you said "That's the first thing you say, well we can't have you cold" he said covering you with the blanket that Steve brought down "I'm glad you're now getting better. I love you" he said "Love you too" you replied.

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