Stucky's little girl

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You were adopted by Steve and Bucky, aged 3, now your 4 years old and still don't really talk, it was due to how you were treated when you were at the orphanage. You slept in their room every night.

One morning you woke up still sleepy, you climbed out of bed and went over to theirs, using the little step ladder they placed at the side to get up. You crawled into the middle, "Hey princess" Steve said, you laid on his arm "did you have a nightmare?" He asked. You shook your head "Do you want breakfast?" Steve asked, you shook your head again. Bucky woke up, he saw Steve's slightly concerned look "What's going on?" He asked "I don't know, (Y/N) doesn't seem herself this morning" Steve replied.

Once they were up and changed, Steve carried you into kitchen, Wanda was cooking "Good morning boys and my adorable niece" she said "Morning Wanda" Steve replied. "What does (Y/N) want to eat?" She asked "I asked before and she just shook her head" Steve replied "That's not like her at all" Wanda said. At breakfast you were sat on Bucky's lap, Steve gave you a cup of milk. You were sat on the couch "What's wrong with (Y/N)?" Tony asked "we don't know, we're just waiting on her to say something" Bucky said. You curled up, and fell asleep.

When you woke up, you climbed off the couch trying to find one of your dads. "(Y/N), princess, what are you doing?" Bucky asked "Papa!" you cried, he picked you up "You're burning up" he said. Bucky carried you to the living room, he put you down, to go get the thermometer. You threw up on the floor. He came back and checked you temperature "It's not too high" he said. You threw up more, the door opened "Can someone grab a towel, we've got a sick (Y/N) on our hands" Bucky said. Steve came over and knelt on the other side, Nat came with the towel, she laid it over the puddle. You started to cry, holding tightly onto Bucky "Shhh, it's okay." He soothed. He took you to their room and got you changed before sitting you on the bed.

Steve came in after cleaning the floor "Feel sick" you whined "I'll head to the medical bay to get a bowl, I'll be back" Bucky Said.

Bruce was there running an experiment "Bruce, have you got any sick bowls?" Bucky asked "sure have, who needs them?" He asked "(Y/N), she caught some form of bug or something" Bucky replied "I'll come check on her later, in the meanwhile here's a couple" Bruce replied "thanks" Bucky said.

He took them back up to the room. Steve was sat on the bed with you in his arms "She's not settling down at all" he said. You were squirming around then you sat up. You coughed. Steve held the bowl, he rubbed your stomach, you paled "(Y/N), you've got to let it out. It's okay." He said. You whined, then coughed up bile into the bowl "Good girl, really good. You're okay." Bucky said holding your hands. Bruce came in "is she being sick?" He asked "yeah, it's mostly bile though she only had milk this morning and some water" Steve replied "okay, let's take a look."Bruce said. Once he'd examined you, he gave a worried look "She's dehydrated and definitely got a stomach bug, I'm gonna suggest that we give her some rehydration sachets on the water, and some anti-nausea meds to make sure she keeps it down"  Bruce said. Once the meds were given you settled down and fell asleep.

Over the next few days, you had been sick a few times, it had subsided by the fourth day and you just slept the rest of it off.

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