Rescued by The Howling Commandos

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Working for HYDRA was something you hated doing, you were the worlds greatest scientist in biological engineering. Advanced for the time. You had to run a the experiments on the subjects captured to be a line of super soldiers. The Red Skulk wanted to see what the serum could withstand virus wise so it was your job to inject the subjects with the virus and see if they would survive. Most died in gruesome ways.

The Howling Commandos had come to take the base down. You were in the lab monitoring one of the subject. The way he died was the worst you'd seen. You ran over to the shelves and grabbed a bucket. Just as Commandos arrived. Two ran over to you "Miss, are you okay?" One asked. Instead of replying you threw up "Oh, Jesus. Let's get you out of here" he said. "Steve do you want me to take her back to the jeep?" The other one asked "yeah, Bucky. I'll gather anything I can" Steve replied.

Bucky walked you to the jeep, he helped you in. "Feeling better?" He asked, you shook your head, "okay, what's your name?" He asked "(Y/N)" you replied. Dugan opened the door "Need anything?" He asked "No, get to the lab and help Steve" Bucky replied. Your skin went a sickly white colour, you were shaking "you look like your about to be sick again" Bucky commented, you nodded "okay, here's the bucket" he said, he held your hair back "You're okay, we'll get you to base safely." He said.

The rest of the commandos were back on the jeep, Bucky set the bucket down, you were white as a sheet of snow. You were still shaking "(Y/N), is there anything you can tell us?" Steve asked "I..I ran the...experiments. I...I didn't want to. I got forced" you replied. "Are you feeling okay? I can radio ahead to get an ambulance at base" Steve said "I'm just easily grossed out. Normally I'm back to normal but I don't get why I'm not" you replied. "When was the last time you ate?" Bucky asked "I don't know. I've not slept for two days" you replied. Bucky gave Steve a worried look "What are you thinking?" Steve asked "I don't know" Bucky replied.

Bucky put his hand to your forehead, you curled and tensed up "(Y/N), where does it hurt?" Bucky asked "Stomach" you replied "You're burning up, How far from the base are we?" Bucky asked "10 minutes, is everything okay?" Dugan asked "We've got a what could turn into a really serious case of the flu, if we can get there quickly, I can bring her fever down and we should be okay" he replied.

Dugan managed to get back with in 6 minutes. Peggy was waiting outside, Bucky got out of the jeep, Steve picked you up and passed you to Bucky "Peggy, can you get a blanket, pillow, fluids and a cold cloth please?" Bucky asked "Sure thing, I'll bring them in as soon as possible" She replied.

Bucky took you to the briefing room, laying you on the floor as Peggy came running in, she placed the pillow behind your head and covered you with the blanket. Peggy laid the cloth on your forehead "You poor dear, was she a hostage?" she asked "No, she was their doctor and hostage." Bucky replied "She did their work?" Dugan questioned "Against her will, yes" Steve replied. Bucky placed the IV in the back of your hand and slowly injected small amounts of fluid "I'm going slow, okay? Just let me know if you feel sick" Bucky said "Okay" you replied. After around 20 minutes, you fell asleep. "What do we do about the lab?" Bucky asked "It's gone, all we have to do it keep her healthy" Steve said.

They began to hear you shuffling around, they all turned around, they saw you grip the blanket tightly "Steve, keep her head on the pillow, she doesn't need a concussion." Bucky held your arms down "(Y/N), wake up. Can you hear me?" he said. You didn't seem to be waking up. Dugan made a loud noise, you woke up gasping for air "Deep breath in. 1...2...3... then out. Do that again" Bucky said. Eventually you calmed down "The Serum" was all you said "What do you mean?" Steve asked "The thing coursing through yours veins, its in me too. And you Bucky" you replied. "Why are you so sick then?" Peggy asked "I was only given it two days ago, it was modified, Zola's version" you replied.

Steve looked at you concerned. "I'm so sorry about the serum I didn't think he was going to do that to you...maybe I should just go" you said. You got up unsteadily "(Y/N), you need to stay" Bucky said "I shouldn't, I've done enough" you said, Bucky stood in front of you "you're not going anywhere, doll. You're staying her with us" he said. "Please just let me go" you said. Bucky let you walk past. "What the hell are you thinking?" Steve asked, "I'm gonna follow her" Bucky said taking the blanket with him.

You walked outside the base, it was snowing and freezing cold. You walked as far as you could. Bucky wasn't far behind, he came up to you when you stopped and wrapped the blanket around your shoulder "come on. Let's get you inside." He said softly. He walked you back, you collapsed on the floor, tears streaming down your cheeks, Bucky ran his fingers through your hair "I've got you, it's okay, no one will hurt you, no one will control you" he said. Steve put another blanket around you, "you don't have to tell us anything else, unless you want to" he said.

Peggy came in with more fluids and some meds. Bucky held you close keeping you warm, Peggy injected the medicine in "it's just an antibiotic to keep any infection at bay, then just more fluids" she said. It wasn't too long before you were asleep again "I'll stay here with her tonight" Bucky said "we all will" Steve replied.

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