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You were in the base with Peter fighting by your side, Tony made you take him, knowing he'd be safe with you. You shot so many agents you lost count, you saw Peter collapse to the ground "I need back up, and Bruce right now!" you said through the comms. "Peter, can you hear me? Peter! Come on, Kid" you said trying to wake him up, you felt him hold your wrist "I can't feel my legs, they've gone numb" he whispered before passing out again. "Guys, please hurry up! He's passed ou-AHHHH" you felt a two knives enter you thigh "(Y/N)! I'm on my way, Bruce is ahead with Tony" Bucky replied, you managed to get perfect shot on the agent. 

Tony and Bruce came running in, Bruce wanted to deal with your wounds "Bruce, go to Peter" you said. You crawled out of the way. You laid on the floor, Tony looked over at you concerned "You want help?" he asked "No, focus on Pete" you replied. You groaned in pain, Tony turned around "Seriously, (Y/N)!" he exclaimed "Tony, stop focusing on me" you told him. Bucky ran into the room, he saw you on the floor with two knives sticking out your thigh. Tony picked Peter up and he and Bruce rushed back to the jet. "How do you want me to do this, doll? I can pull them out now, or on the jet" he said "On the jet, please" you replied. Steve walked in "We're going back to the tower now, the kids in bad shape" he said. Bucky helped you up and put his arm around you, you could put any weight on your leg "Bucky, just pick me up" you said "Ready?" he said, you nodded. He carried you back to the jet. 

Bucky laid you down on the seats, Steve grabbed the first aid kit "Okay, I'm going to pull them out" he said, Clint walked in "I would suggest something to take the pain away, but considering that the only oxygen mask we have is currently is use, we've got nothing" he said "Thanks for that, Clint, so useful" you replied sarcastically. Bucky started pulling it out "Woah, Mother-Ahhhh!" you yelled "Do you want me to keep going or stop?" he asked "Keep going" you replied. Bucky kept going, lots of profanity was yelled and lots of screams from the pain were heard by everyone. Both knives were out "It's over, they're both out" he said. You're hair was plastered to your forehead. Bruce and Tony walked in "Jesus, I didn't think you could swear like that" Tony said "I was in the army, Tony. What did you expect?" you said. Bucky cleaned and stitched you up, he covered you with a blanket "Dugan really taught you a selection of words" he smiled. Bruce took the knives to be tested "Tested, Why? What's wrong with Peter?" you asked "He's fine" Bruce replied "Tell me the truth, or I will limp my way to see him, and you know I will" you threatened "Fine, he's not fine. We think someone poisoned him and I want to check to make sure you aren't going to suffer the same way" Bruce replied "Thank you" you said. 

The jet landed back at the compound, Tony and Bruce took Peter straight to the Medical bay. Bucky helped you up and walked you to the bay, he sat you down in a wheelchair, Bruce went straight to testing Peter's blood and the knives, when the test was finished he came over to you "The knives came out clear, Peter's blood however did not, Dr Strange is coming to treat him" Bruce said "Can I have some painkillers?" you asked "Sure, I'll get you them now" Bruce replied. He gave you the pills and a glass of water, you took them. After which you stood up, you went to see Peter, Tony and Bruce stepped out to give you some time alone "Pete, I'm so sorry, I didn't see them shooting at you. I wish this was me, I would take your place in heartbeat. This is all my fault, I'm really really sorry" you said. You walked out of the room just as Stephen arrived, he saw you limping "Do you want me to check you over too?" he asked "No, Bucky sorted everything, I'm fine" you replied "if you do ever need it, just ask" he said. 

You wrapped your arms around Bucky, silently crying, he rocked you gently side to side, Tony looked over "(Y/N), it's not your fault, don't blame yourself." he said "You don't get it. You trusted me and look what happened. Please don't ever do that again" you said. Bucky picked you up, you wrapped your legs around his waist, he carried you up to the living room where everyone was waiting on some news. 

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