New career path for Bucky (Maybe)

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Bucky woke up to the sound of heaving, it was close by. He turned to find you, knelt up on the bed, being sick, he turned the lamp on "Hey babe, what wrong?" He asked "I felt really sick then it happened" you replied. He got out of bed and stood on your side helping you off, he turned the big light on. Bucky looked at you, you doubled over, he saw the pain in your eyes. He went into the kitchen, Bruce was there "Need anything?" Bruce asked "Yeah, can you come check (Y/N), she's been vomiting, it's all over the bed and she's got pain in her stomach" he said "Sure" Bruce replied. He came in "okay, let's stand you over the bed, what I'm about to do might make you throw up again" Bruce said. He felt your stomach, he noticed a bump "(Y/N), Bucky. Congratulations you're having a baby, this is some severe morning sickness you've got" Bruce said.

Bucky helped you clean up, he took you in the living room, Nat and Maria came in "Nat, why did you bring me in here?" Maria asked "Because I need Bruce to make sure you're pregnant before we go telling anyone" Nat said. They noticed you and Bucky "It's bit early for you two to be up" Maria said "Well, considering that morning sickness is a bitch" you said "oh my god, you're pregnant" Nat said "yeah" you replied.

Over the next few months, the morning sickness hadn't got any better. You were miserable most of the time, Bucky kept close by you. You were sat on the couch next to him when you started crying, he hugged and hushed you. You got up and headed to the bathroom, Bucky followed you, the door was open and sure enough you were throwing up again. He comforted you everyday.

The 9 months had passed. Maria already had her twins. You were in the bathroom when you felt a gush of water, "Bucky!!!" You yelled, he ran in "what?" He asked "The baby's coming right now" you said "as in right now right now?" He asked "yes right now" you replied. "FRIDAY get Bruce in here now" Bucky said.

"Bucky we haven't got the time, OWW" you said "What do you mean?" Bucky asked "the baby is actually coming out of me!!" You yelled. Bucky grabbed a towel from the side "You're just going to have to push, I kinda know what I'm doing" Bucky said. After 20 minutes, the baby was here "I'm here with everything" Bruce said "a bit late" Bucky said holding the little girl in his arms. The team were gathered at the door "she's so cute" you said. Bucky handed the little girl to Bruce so he could help you.

"Bucky, there's another one" you said "another baby?" He asked "yeah" you replied. "Bruce pass me a towel" Bucky said, Steve came in and took the towel "I'll do it, Bucky you hold her hand and tell her to push" he said. "Babe, just push like Before" Bucky said. Baby number 2 was a boy, "Wanda do you mind holding him?" Steve asked "not at all" she replied.

You felt your stomach cramp "OWWWWW!" You cried, Bucky looked at you "Another one?" He asked, you nodded. Before Steve could get the towel, you already started pushing "Steve... Turn around" Tony said "oh, shit. Tony get another towel" he said "(Y/N) hang on a minute." Tony handed another towel over. Baby 3 was a girl.

"Triplets, how cute" Nat said, Bruce gave them a full bill of Heath while you had a bath. He took you to the bed room and helped you get comfortable. Steve was watching over them "if you need any help, you've got us" he said.

You looking over the babies when you heard Maria "Nat, you okay?" She said "No, somethings wrong" Nat replied, you were getting up "you rest, I'll find out" Bucky said. Bucky found Nat laying on the floor of the living room "What's wrong?" He asked "I'm having a baby" she said "what the hell?" Bucky asked "it must've work and I've not known because I haven't gotten any bigger" she said. Bucky got a towel "Nat, listen to me, I want you push as hard as you can" he said. It was half an hour later Nat had a her baby "there you go, FRIDAY call Bruce" Bucky said, he handed the baby to Maria.

"What was that about?" You asked " Nat's had a baby" Bucky said "think we've found you a new career path" you said "no, from now on I will only deliver your children" Bucky said. 

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