Mission cut short

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You were coming back from a mission, you started to get a stomach ache so you called it off. Bucky was waiting in the hanger for you. When the door opened he went on to get you. He noticed the bowl on the side, he checked your pulse and placed his hand to your forehead "Oh my god." he said "Bucky.." you said "Yeah, hold on, doll" he said. He got one of the stretchers from the medical room, he laid you on it, putting the bowl beside you. He got out his phone and rang Banner.

"Bucky, why are you calling me?" Bruce asked.

"Come down to the jet, now. (Y/N)'s in really bad shape. Bring the oxygen with the tubes. Be quick" Bucky replied.

Bruce rushed down, he walked on the jet as Bucky was sitting the bed up. "That's not just a stomachache" he said. He put the tubes in place and connected the to the oxygen. You started to feel sick again, Bucky handed you the bowl as they took you to the medical bay. On the way there you threw up.

Arriving at the bay, Dr Strange, began putting a canula in your hand and drew some blood. He did every check possible "She's got a chest infection and stomach bug, So I'm going to put her on a drip of fluids and antibiotics, other than that, she needs rest and sleep" he replied. He attached the drips. Steve came down to see you "Hey, why didn't you mention anything before you went?" He asked "I thought was just a cold" you replied.

After a few hours of being there and the team coming to talk to you. Bucky sat beside you "Bucky, I feel sick again" you said "okay, darling" he said sitting on the edge of the bed. He held the bowl under your chin, he kissed your temple whilst rubbing your back "I love you. You feel better soon" he whispered. Fifteen minutes later, you stopped, Bruce came in to change the drip, he went to get a fresh bowl Incase it's needed. Bucky held you close, "You're okay. You can go to sleep. I'll stay with you" he said. You fell asleep against his chest, he gently laid you down, he sat beside you holding your hand and stroking your hair.

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