Recon with Sharon gone wrong

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You had arrived back after a mission, you were assigned to the Recon with Sharon Carter, the one person you couldn't stand to work with. You were supposed go in collect intel and leave with no fuss, but bullets started flying as soon as you entered the building as Sharon shot at some guards. As you were working on getting the intel, a bullet hit you in your shoulder, you turned to see who it was, Sharon was stood there holding gun "You shot me!" you yelled "I thought you were a guard!" she yelled. You grabbed the USB and left the building. She flew the jet back, and you didn't speak with her the entire time. She took the USB to Fury. 

You headed up to the bathroom, you took your jacket off and used some gauze to stop the bleeding, you slid down the wall holding pressure over the wound "FRIDAY, Send for Bruce and Bucky please, before I bleed out" you said "Right away, Miss" she replied. You soon heard footsteps running down the corridor, the door opened, blood dripped down your arm and it was on your hand "Bucky" you gave him a weak smile "Hey, doll" he replied. Bruce took the gauze away "Bullet wound. Who shot you?" he asked "Sharon Carter" you replied, you could tell Bucky was getting angry "Buck, don't go after her, I need you here" you said. "(Y/N), I need you lay down on the floor, I'm going to stitch you up right here in the bathroom" Bruce said. 

Maria Hill turned up "Fury wants to see (Y/N)" her eyes went wide when she saw you on the floor "What do you need me to do?" she asked "Prepare the stitches, while I stop the bleeding" Bruce said. Bucky held your hand and stroke your hair "Doll, stay with me." he said as your eyes started to close. Maria handed the stitches to Bruce "I love you, Bucky" you whispered "I love you too. Stay awake." he replied. Bruce put the last stitch in as you lost consciousness "(Y/N), baby, Wake up" Bucky said. Maria checked your pulse "She's alive, I think she's just passed out from blood loss" she said. 

"Hill, What's taking so long?" Fury asked through the coms "It's (Y/N), sir. She was shot on the Recon. She's lost a lot blood and is unconscious on the bathroom floor. I just helped stitch her up" Maria replied "I'm on my way, with Carter now" Fury replied. 

Bucky picked you up and carried your down to the medical bay. He laid you on the bed covering you up as Bruce attached the monitors to you, with a small blood transfusion and oxygen. The team were called down as Fury arrived with Sharon. Sharon tried to see you "Get away from my girlfriend, Carter" Bucky said, she stepped away as everyone looked to Bucky "What happened? Why is Barnes so tense?" Tony asked "She was shot on Recon, by Sharon" Bruce replied. "I didn't do it on purpose" she replied "How do you shoot someone on a Recon mission by accident?" Fury asked "I thought she was an enemy" Sharon replied, looking down "How? She's wearing the same thing you are!" Clint said. Sharon didn't reply, she watched you silently. "Miss Carter, I am officially arresting you on suspicion of intentional injury and neglect of instructions" Fury said. 

You started to wake up "Bucky, will I be okay?" you asked "Yes, you'll be okay." he replied. Maria came in "Nice to see you conscious, Fury arrested Sharon, Do you think she did it intentionally?" she asked "Yeah, she was to perfectly stood behind me when it happened" you replied "Okay, you be careful" Maria said. The team came in, someone hugged you tightly "Nat, are you crying?" you asked "I thought you were going to die. I'll kill Sharon for what she did" she replied, tears running down her cheeks "I'm not dying yet. Hush now, I'm okay" you said trying to sooth her. Clint took Nat out to calm down. 

Bruce let you sleep in your own bed. Bucky slid under the covers beside you for the night. 

You began dreaming, you were back in the base, in the same place doing the same thing. Only this time you turned around before getting shot and Sharon was stood there with perfect aim on you, she pulled the trigger and the bullet came towards you and hit your directly in the chest. 

You woke up screaming, Bucky turned the light on when he heard you, you were breathing heavily "Doll, are you okay?" he asked, you turned to him "She killed me" you said "She didn't, you're  here with him" Bucky said, he pulled you closer to him "You're soaking wet, doll. That must have been some nightmare" he said "She wants me dead" you cried "Shhh, shhh. She can't get to you. Just breathe, I'm here" he said. Steve opened the door "I heard a scream, is everything okay?" he asked, Bucky shook his head. Steve came over and sat on the edge of the bed "(Y/N), take a deep breath in and then out slowly" he said. You started to calm down "You get her a bath, I'll change the sheets" Steve said. 

Bucky carried you to the bathroom, bringing a spare pair of Pyjamas. He helped you undress and set you gently in the bath "Just relax" he said allowing the warm water wash over you. He washed your hair and got you dressed before carrying you back to bed, Steve already pulled back the covers "I'll tell the team not to wake you both early" he said "Thanks for the help" Bucky said "No problem, I'm not surprised about it, I don't mind helping out" Steve replied.

Bucky let you hug him while you slept. 

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