Bucky Barnes

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Bucky had somehow convinced you to go running with him. That morning you woke up feeling a little off and not yourself, you promised Bucky you'd go on a run with him so you pushed the feelings to the back of your mind. You were on the second lap of the area "Bucky, stop please" you said "Everything okay?" he asked "I feel funny" you replied, "Sit down for a minute" he said. You caught your breathe then got up, "I want to run again" you said "Okay. If you start to feel off again, I'm taking you home" he said "Okay" you replied. Just half way. through the third lap, you stopped. Bucky was a little in front, he turned around when he heard the splatter of liquid hitting the tarmac. He ran over to you, it was only a small amount, he knew there was more so he took you over to the grass "Bucky, I'm going to throw up, I don't want to here" you said "Doll, I can't get you home quickly, unless you want to walk for bit and if you need to throw up we can just stop" he said, you nodded and took his hand. 

You walked for a little while, you head resting in Bucky's arm, you stopped abruptly. You went down the small alleyway, behind the large dumpster. You threw up "You're okay. just allow yourself to bring everything up. I'll take you into the cafe next door and ask for some water" he said. You steadied yourself when you stopped, "You okay to move?" he asked, you nodded wiping your lips with the sleeve of your hoodie. "They probably don't want sick people in though?" you said "Don't worry, I'll just tell them it's morning sickness, it's not like we go in there normally" Bucky said.  He took you into the cafe and let you sit down while he went to the counter. 

"Hi, what can I get you, sir?" the barista asked.

"Could you get a cup of water, just plain water. My girlfriend got morning sickness and was sick not long ago" Bucky replied 

:"Sure thing, I understand. A good remedy for sickness is ginger, I can get her a biscuit to help settle her stomach" they said. 

"We'll try it" Bucky replied. 

"I'll bring it over" the barista said. 

Bucky sat next to you "They're  going to bring it over, they said gingers good at helping so lets give it a go. Even if it only works until the tower" he said "Okay" you replied. The Barista came to the table "I've payed the bill for you. It's on the house." they said "You didn't have to" Bucky said "It's my pleasure, considering the circumstances" they replied "Thanks" you said. 

You finished the water and the biscuit. Then carried on to the tower. Once inside, you both went upstairs. Steve was making lunch, "Just in time" he said. "What do you want, (Y/N)?" he asked "Not to vomit, I'm going to the bathroom" you said before fast walking down the corridor "Is she okay?" Steve asked "We were on a run and she started to feel sick. then as we were walking she threw up behind a dumpster. We stopped off at a cafe, which the barista now think's she's pregnant and here we are now" Bucky said. 

You came out of the bathroom half an hour later. Bucky was on the couch, you were terrified of telling him. You sat on his lap and rested your head on his shoulder "Still not feeling well?" he asked, you shook your head. "Do you want to see Bruce?' he asked "No, My stomach is really cramping up" you said. Tears filled your eyes "Doll, it's okay. Don't worry" he said, he went to cup your face, you flinched away "What's wrong?" he asked "I'm pregnant" you said holding the test to show him "You mean, I'm going to be a Dad?" he asked "Yeah, but you don't have to be" you said "I would love to be. Don't worry about a thing, Now come here" he said. You crawled in to his lap "Did yo think, I was going to leave you?" he asked, you nodded "I'd never do that. In the 40s usually if a guy got his girl pregnant, he married them. Now you don't have to say yes, but do you want to marry me?" he asked "Of course" you replied "Now, we do need to go and see Bruce, so he can make sure you're okay" he said. You agreed, Bucky carried you down to the lab. 

"Bruce can we talk to you for a moment?" Bucky asked "Sure, bring her though" he said. Bucky laid you on the bed "What am I treating today?" Bruce asked "Well, I'm pregnant. We wanted to tell you so you can help. I've been sick 3 times this morning and my stomach is like a knot" you explained "All perfectly normal, You'll be sick through out this first section or trimester, once you get the the second and third you should be okay" Bruce said. 

That evening at Dinner, you and Bucky told the team. They all were really happy about it and looking forward to seeing a little one wondering around the tower. 

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