Bucky Barnes

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Four months you'd been on missions back to back. Being Fury's main agent did have its perks but also had its downfalls. You were on a set course for the compound when he contacted you again "Another mission has come through" he said "No Fury, I can't keep going like this. Send someone else out to do it. I will collapse out of exhaustion" you said "okay, fine. You head back to compound" he said.

When you arrived back you went straight to bed. Your sleep schedule was messed up beyond repair.

You woke up to the sweet smell of pancakes, you brushed your hair and put on some lounge clothes before heading to the kitchen. Steve was making breakfast with Bucky "Hey, nice to see you." Steve said "Hi, I'm back for a long time I'm not going on anymore missions" you said sitting down "So did you sleep okay?" Bucky asked "I slept fine but I'm just really really, extremely exhausted" you replied.

After breakfast you went to wash up "No, I'll do that. You go sit down and rest" Steve said. Nat came in with Bruce "How's the little one doing?" Steve asked "Fine, healthy as anything" Nat replied. You turned around, you saw Nat's bump "hey (Y/N), glad to have you back" she said "You're...How? Oh my God." You stuttered, Bruce came behind you "Let's get you sat down before you faint" he said helping you. Nat sat down next to you "I know it's a bit of a shock, but I'm having a baby. Me and Bruce are" she said. You looked back and forth between them "What else have I missed?" You asked "quite a bit, you seriously look faint so we're not going to overwhelm you" Steve said.

Wanda entered with Vision and the twins, who were almost 5. They came over to the couch "They were babies when I went, what the hell?" You said "Wanda's powers allow them to grow at a speedy rate" Vision explained. Sam and Bucky came upstairs, "what do you think of my new suit?" Sam asked, you stood up to look "Steve, you..." you trailed off as you fell unconscious on the floor. "So much for not overwhelming her" Bruce said.

"Bucky would you lay her gently on the couch. I'm gonna help Nat up, sit in the chair" Bruce said.

Bucky laid you on the couch, the team surrounded the couch "Mama, is she okay?" Tommy asked "Yeah, she's just having an off day" Wanda replied. You woke up and began to sit up "Lay down, you are seriously not well" Nat said "I'm fine, just messed up sleep schedule" you replied. You got up and walked to the kitchen, the team looked worried. Bucky followed you, you collapsed against the cupboards. "(Y/N), you need to rest" he said, picking you up, laying you down on the couch again. You held Bucky's hand, lightly "Doll, you okay?" he asked "Maybe" you replied "What do you mean?" he asked, you moved your hair, revealing a large scar on your temple "Wanda, look inside her mind" Bucky said. Wanda came over, she looked over the scar "Hold still" she said. 

Wanda looked inside your mind. When she brought you back to reality "That's where you were. Fighting weapon dealers, they got you good. No damage to the brain, it is just sleep deprivation." she said "Good, You get some sleep, doll." he kissed your forehead. Nat didn't seem convinced "I'm worried about her. She doesn't seem like herself" she said "She's never like herself when she's exhausted, trust me. She once tripped over thin air and hit a wall" Steve said. 

You woke up at dinner, Bucky came over "Let's get you up" he said, he picked you up and carried you to the kitchen, sitting you on his lap "I'm not a toddler" you said "You're not a 100% though. So let me feed you, until you're sleeping better, or I'll blend it and make you drink it" he said "Okay fine, Buck. You have to let me use you as human cushion after dinner" you replied "Deal" he said. 

After dinner, Bucky kept his end of the deal, you were laid on him and sleeping, "Love you, doll" he whispered "Love you, Bucky" you mumbled. 

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