Refusing to admit.

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You were sat in your kitchen drinking your cup of tea when Bucky walked in. You were trying to hide the fact that you were getting sick. You sneezed and haphazardly wipe your nose on you jacket sleeve. Bucky noticed this but chose not to say a thing. Over the next few days he watched you gradually get worse, this first instance was when you missed breakfast as you got up late for the meeting. You coughed and Sneezed your way through most of it "(Y/N) are you sick?" Tony said "No" you replied. 

The next day, you dragged yourself out of bed and down to the training room, you did about two push up before dropping to the floor. Bucky walked in a spotted you "(Y/N), hey, cutie. Want to go back to bed?" he asked "Yeah" you mumbled, he picked you up and carried you back to your bedroom. He brought you some tea and medicine. You took it and drank the tea. After around 10 minutes, you looked over to Bucky, he was playing with your hair "Can you get the trash can?" you asked "Sure, what's wrong?" he asked "I think I'm about to throw up" you replied. He held it for you moving your hair back "That's it, honey. Just let it up. I'm right here." he said. When you stopped he put the trash can on the floor, you snuggled into his chest "Don't cry. I'm here. You're perfectly fine. You've just a cold and the medicine didn't agree with you. Nothing to worry about" he said, you curled up "No more medicine" you said "Exactly, no more medicine, baby girl. You just close you're eyes and sleep" Bucky said stroking your back. 

Wanda came in "Wondered where you two were at" she said "(Y/N)'s sick. Could you reline the trash can? I gave her medicine and she threw it back up and now won't take anything else so we'll just have to let it pass" Bucky explained "Sure. I'll let the team know that you both won't be attending meetings for at least a week" she replied "Thanks Wanda" Bucky replied "No problem" she said taking the trash can with her. 

Marvel Imagines part 2Where stories live. Discover now