Tests and Phobias

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It was the routine blood test day at the tower, this meant everyone on the team had to have it done. You didn't want to, for the past two years you had been at the tower with Bucky, you told the team you had it done at a doctors office and faked the results but this time there was no hiding from it. 

You were stood in the lab, Bucky had just had his and was stood behind you "You'll be okay" he whispered, Bruce was prepping everything "(Y/N), come take a seat" you walked slowly, feeling unsteady. Bucky came in with you. Bruce pulled out the needle, you started to feel really dizzy, Bruce saw the colour drain from your face, he put the needle down "(Y/N), you've gone grey" he said, you fainted, Bucky caught you, he laid you down on the bed "Doll, can you hear me?" he said, Bruce checked you pulse "It's racing" he said. 

A few seconds later, you came around "Hi, you're okay" Bucky said, the team came down, Bruce took the tray away "Can't do it on her. She fainted and went grey, it's not safe" Bruce explained "You mean she gets out of it?" Tony said "Yeah, I don't want to risk anything happening to her" Bruce replied. 

"(Y/N), do needles scare you?" Bucky asked "Yeah, I can't deal with them, ever since joining SHIELD" you replied "You should have said something, we wouldn't have made you go through with this" he said. Bucky picked you up "Bucky, make sure she eats or drinks something sugary it'll help" Bruce said "Will do" Bucky replied. 

Bucky sat you on the couch and brought out your favourite energy drink, you rested against him, he put his arm around you after opening the bottle "Shall we watch a movie?" he asked "Yeah" you replied. Steve came up after his blood test "(Y/N), do you feel better?" he asked "Yeah, much better" you replied. After the film, you went to get up and make some dinner, you wobbled a little "I'll cook tonight, you just sit down" Steve said "Thanks Steve, I'll cook tomorrow" you replied. 

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