Bucky Barnes

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You had been going from mission to mission, you had arrived back from your final one before Christmas. You walked down to the lab knowing Bucky was going to be there as Tony had been working on updates for his metal arm. You sat in front of him "Hey Buck" you said "Hey doll, are you back for Christmas?" he asked "Sure am, and longer" you replied. Steve came and put his hand on your shoulder "Shit! don't do that!" you exclaimed "Sorry, is your arm okay?" Steve asked "No not really" you replied. 

Bruce came down "That's everything sorted for the accident prone spider-kid. Oh, hey (Y/N)" he said "Hi, can you come and look at my arm, I may have broke it a little" you said "Sure thing" Bruce replied. "Mind if I cut through the sleeve?" he asked "No, I need a new suit anyway" you replied. He cut through it, the pain you felt as the scissors touched your skin was unlike anything you've ever felt "I need to lie down, I could pass out with the amount pain" you said. Bruce and Steve walked you over to a bed. You laid down. 

Once the sleeve was off your arm, "That is most definitely broken, the bone is poking through your skin and looks like your radius is broken too." Bruce said. He took his phone out of his pocket and rang Stephen Strange. 

"Dr Banner, what can I do for you?" Stephen asked. 

"I'm currently with (Y/N), she needs immediate surgery on her arm. Her humerus is broken, the bone is poking through the skin and her radius is broken. Either, you can come perform the surgery here or we'll bring her down to the hospital in the jet?" Bruce said 

"Bring her down to the hospital, I'll have everything ready on arrival" Stephen replied. 

Bruce put the phone down as Bucky walked in "(Y/N), we're going to take you to the hospital, Dr Strange will do your surgery" he said. They wheeled you onto the jet "I'll stay with you" Bucky said. 

Dr Strange meet them on the helipad "Right, let's get you down to the theatre" he said. When you were in the anaesthetic room, Bucky was holding your hand "I'm going to put you to sleep, Everyone will be beside you when you wake up" he said as he placed the mask over you nose and mouth, Bucky kissed your forehead before you fully drifted off. Banner went in with you. 

Steve, Bucky and Tony were waiting in the private room, Strange had for you. About half an hour, Banner came in "Right, we've got some news. If we do the surgery, we will have to put metal plates in her arm, they will be permanent which means she'll have to retire from the team." he said "What's the other option?" Bucky asked "We can fly her out to Wakanda and let Shuri and her team, replace the arm with a vibranium one, like yours which will be safe and she'll be able to go on mission, which would she prefer?" Bruce asked. "She likes being a hero, I don't think she'll ever want to give up, Wakanda it is" Steve said "Yeah, it'll give her a chance at doing what she loves, she always wanted to match me" Bucky said. 

They brought to the room, you began to wake up "Did you do it?" you asked "No, we're flying you to Wakanda if it did, you wouldn't be able to go on a mission again" Strange said "You mean I'll match Buck" you said "Yeah, doll. That's okay, right?" he said "Of course, now we're going to look so cool together" you said. 

They wheeled you back on the jet and flew to Wakanda. On arrival you were greeted by Shuri and T'Challa, "Surgery will be tomorrow, giving you time to recover from today" Shuri said. 

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