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A/N: I had this idea after watching 'Knives out' which by the way is an amazing movie. I used it as a little inspiration for the Reader's "power"

You were sat in the interrogation room of the compound, Captain America had found you. He entered the room and sat in front of you ""(Y/N), My name is Steve. I was told about your power" he said "I wouldn't call it that, it's more of a curse" you replied "Well whatever it is, it's weird" he replied "You can say that again" you said "You seem to have a regurgitative reaction to lies. Is it when. you tell them or when someone else tells them?" he asked "When I tell them" you replied, "Does it work on others?" he asked "Not that I'm aware of" you replied. "Are you happy to stay with us, in the compound or do you have another place?" he asked "Happy to stay here, I kinda like it already" you replied "Okay, you are staying on the third floor, Bucky is already up there to introduce you to everything" Steve said. 

You headed up to the third floor "Hey doll, Your bedroom is across from mine, don't panic if your hear anything during the night it will be me, I have nightmares. Steve told me about the thing, so don't worry about anything. Some of them will try to trick you" he explained "Okay, Umm...if do fall for the trick or end up lying about something, you're not grossed out by it?" you asked "No, it's a part of you, I'll help you" he said. "Thanks" you replied. 

You were sat in a meeting for a mission, Fury was briefing. You were sat next to Bucky "Sir, is this mission of any danger to us?" Wanda asked "Certainly not, Miss Maximoff" he replied. A few moments more into the meeting, you gagged "Miss (L/N), a bit under the weather, are you?" Fury replied. You gave Bucky a look, he looked around the room, he got up and grabbed the bin from the corner of the room. You puked as he held it, "That's not how it happens" you said, before heaving. When you stopped, he put the bin down on the table "You didn't say anything so how could you have lied?" Tony asked "I'm sorry to say this but I think I puke when others lie too" you replied "That means Director Fury lied about the mission not being Dangerous" Wanda said, "Yeah" you said. Bucky handed you a glass of water "Thanks" you said "No problem" he replied. 

"Okay, the mission's a little bit dangerous" Fury said. You gagged again "Okay fine, it poses a danger and medium risk" he said. You ran out of the room. Bucky and Wanda went after you. They found you outside knelt on the floor breathing heavily. "(Y/N), listen to me, breathe slowly" Bucky said holding you, "Honey, we need you to calm down" Wanda said "I hate this, it's the worst thing ever" you said "We know you do. We can see if Bruce can find a way of stopping it" Wanda replied. You agreed and went back inside, Fury had now left the briefing room "(Y/N), you okay?" Steve asked "Yeah, it's just awful" you replied "Bruce can you figure out a way of stopping it?" Bucky asked "I can try, I'm making no promises" he said. 

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