Bucky Barnes

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Bucky was alone in his Brooklyn apartment. You were living with Bruce at the compound. It was midnight when he heard a knock at his door, when he opened it, he saw you, holding a knife with blood on it and your arm covered in blood. He pulled you in the apartment and turned on the light "(Y/N), that knife is it your blood or someone else's" he asked "Mine" you replied. He took it out of your hand and put it in the sink. He took you to the bathroom. Bucky grabbed a towel and started wiping your arm, he saw some jagged cuts "I didn't do it" you said "Who did?" he asked "I don't know, it happened all to quickly, I was fighting then it went black and I woke up with that in my hand and my arm looking like this" you replied. 

Bucky wrapped a bandage around your arm, he turned the light off and shined a flashlight in your eyes "What's this for?" you asked "I'm checking to see if you've been drugged" he said "Why would I have been drugged?" you asked "Giving that everything went black, they could have done anything. You're eyes look fine" he replied. You were sat in the chair, half an hour had passed "Bucky, I don't feel good" you said, he got his phone and rang Bruce. 

"Bucky, I was about to call you, (Y/N)'s missing" Bruce said. 

"She's here in my apartment, she came in with cuts up her arm I've sorted them out. She's said she's not feeling good, but I checked, she doesn't seem to have been drugged" Bucky explained. 

"It might be the blood loss, it can make someone feel off" Bruce said.

"I didn't think of that, it's okay to let her sleep right?" he asked.

"Yeah, she should be fine by morning and you can bring her back here tomorrow" Bruce said. 

"Okay, I will" he said. 

Bucky knelt in front of you, "You're going to be fine by morning, so let's get you warmed up and you can sleep here tonight and I'll take you back to the compound tomorrow" he said, he wrapped a blanket around your shoulders. 

The next morning, you woke up still on the chair. Bucky was beside you "Feeling better?" he asked "Yeah" you replied "You want any breakfast?" he asked "I don't eat breakfast" you replied. Bucky gave you a quizzical look "How come, you used love it before the battle" he said "I don't know, I just stopped eating it" you replied. Bucky became worried "(Y/N), tell me the truth, are you okay?" he asked. You didn't reply or look up at him, there was a silence between you both. 

"B..Bucky, I'm not okay" you replied "That's okay, I'm glad you've told me. Do you want to stay here with me?" he asked, you nodded "I'll message Bruce" he replied. Once he messaged Bruce, Bucky sat you on his lap, you got comfortable. You began to explain everything. "What have you been drinking?" he asked "The usual, Vodka, tequila and Whisky" you replied "You promised me that you'd not do that again. You're not back in Russia" he said "I know I promised but with everyone disappearing. I couldn't help it" you replied "You are definitely staying. I'm going to help you, today were going to have a cuddle day and watch some TV" he said. 

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