Natasha Romanoff

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Nat woke up randomly one early morning. She put it down to nothing and tried to go back to sleep. Something in the back of her mind was saying check on you. So she got up and went to your room. When she knocked there was no response so she opened the door and walked in. Nat spotted light leaking from the bathroom door which was slightly ajar. She went over to investigate. She found you, asleep against the toilet, when she looked she saw you'd been sick. "(Y/N), wake up" she said, you groaned "No" you said "It's Nat, Hun you're sick. Let me take a look at you" she said 'Stomach hurts, I feel sick, it's too cold and too hot" you said "I think you've got the stomach flu" she said. 

You realised it's meeting day "Crap! Stark won't let me not turn up. He'll think I'm faking" you said. "He'll have to let you have today off, you can't do anything" Nat said. She picked you up and sat you on your bed, getting out fresh Pyjamas and changing you, she brought over the trash can, cleaned up the bathroom and got a cold cloth, laying on your forehead 'I'll be back in a second" she said. She put your clothes in the wash "Morning Nat, What are you doing up early?" Steve asked "(Y/N) got sick in the night so I'm taking care of her." she replied "How bad is she?" he asked "Stomach flu, she's thrown up and got a fever" Nat said. 

During breakfast "Can someone get (Y/N) up?" Tony asked "She's resting" Nat said "We have a meeting" Tony replied. "Would you like her to puke during the meeting?" Nat asked "She's faking, she always is" Tony replied. As if on cue, you came into the room "Nat, Don't feel well. Hurts too much, I feel sick" you cried "Shhh медовый (Honey) Let's get you back to bed" she said. Bruce followed. Nat sat on the bed with you, she held the trash can as you threw up "You're okay, Just let it out" she soothed, Bruce confirmed and went to tell Tony, only to discover that Wanda was throwing up in the sink. He confirmed the same thing. Wanda went to your room "Nat, can I lay in her?" she asked "Of course, you sick too?" she asked "Yeah, Tony wasn't happy" Wanda replied. 

Steve came in with a selection of items, he placed the bucket were Wanda was and put the other things on the bed for Nat to sort out. She checked the fever "101.7, A little high but cloths can bring it down" She then checked Wanda's "102, possibly related to the powers, I'll get a cold cloth" she said. You and Wanda were asleep by the time Nat came back from her short trip. She laid beside the both of you, rubbing your stomachs. 

Wanda shot awake, Nat handed her the bucket "N..Nat" she stuttered "I'm here, Wanda. Bad dream?" Nat asked, Wanda nodded and threw up a little "You're okay, settle down and go back.." Nat was caught off guard when you screamed in your sleep, you woke up and ran to the bathroom "J, ask Clint to come up here and sit with Wanda?" Nat asked "Sure thing, he's on his way" JARVIS replied. Clint came in and sat with Wanda. Nat walked in the bathroom "That's it, good girl." she encouraged. You were gagging but nothing was coming up about 5 minutes "You're empty медовый, drink a little bit of water" she helped you sip the water. Nat carried you back to bed "I'll stay for Wanda" Clint said "Thanks" Nat replied as she rubbed your stomach. 

"Steve said, you were up in the night with her" Clint said "Just this morning, I woke up and had a hunch something was wrong and found her asleep in the bathroom, she's been sick and it was on her shirt so I cleaned her up and put her back in bed" Nat explained "These girls look up to you, you know. They think of you as motherly figure" Clint said "And you're the dad?" Nat asked "No actually, Steve is for Wanda, but yeah, I am for (Y/N)" Clint replied "She's alway's thought that of you" Nat said 

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