Bucky Barnes

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Bucky had gotten up, he left you asleep for longer as you seemed pretty tired from the mission a few days. You started to get ready but only managed to have a shower before heading back in the room. Bucky came in, he noticed that you had your hand on you stomach "Are you okay, Doll?" he asked "Yeah, I'm fine" you replied trying to give him a convincing look, he put his hand on top of yours "I'll get you a glass of water, stay here" he kissed your temple. 

Bucky came back upstairs, he noticed the bathroom door was shut, he knocked on the door "(Y/N) are you okay?" he asked, he got a reply, just not the one he wanted. The sound of you gagging was heard from the other side of the door, Bucky opened it, his heart broke when he saw you hunched over the toilet, with your arm around you stomach "oh, Doll..." he rubbed your back "You're burning up" he said,Bucky ran a face cloth under the cold water and laid it in the back of your neck "Bucky..." you said quietly, then threw up for a second time "It's okay, you're going to be fine, (Y/N/N)" he said rubbing small circles on your back, you eventually stopped. You groaned in pain "I'm going to get you back to bed" he said lifting you up off the bathroom floor and carried into the bedroom. 

When you were laid on the bed, you flipped yourself over, "Aww, babe. I'm going to go get you some medicine, the glass of water is on the side table, I need you to drink some. I'll get you a bucket too" he said. 

Bucky came back followed by Bruce, "(Y/N), I'm just to check you over" Bruce said "Please go away, I just want Bucky, I don't need anything" you replied "Okay, I'll go under one condition if you get worse I have to check you over" Bruce said, you nodded. 

Bucky sat you up against the headboard and took out two pills, you eyed them up wearily "Take these, they will help" he said "I'll just throw them back up" you said. Bucky put them in your hand "You take these, while I go get the thermometer, you've got the water" he said kissing your forehead. Bucky went back into the bedroom, you were laid down, he knew you'd taken the pills, he ran the thermometer across your forehead "100, it's not too bad" he said, he placed his hand on your stomach, he could feel how bad it was cramping and gurgling under his palm "Would you like me to rub your tummy?" he asked, you nodded, Bucky laid down with you, you both stayed like that for a while, until you paled. Bucky got instantly worried. 

"Are you okay? Do you need the bucket?" Bucky asked, you nodded, Bucky sat you up and placed the bucket under your chin, you leaned forward, but kept swallowing back "Stop doing that, you need to let it up, you're going to make yourself worse" he said "I don't want to puke" you cried "It suck, trust me I know. I've dealt with all of this with Steve. Once you puke you'll feel better, I promise" he said. You began heaving, Bucky was worried, you had thrown up more than what he was expecting, especially considering you threw up twice in the bathroom. When you relaxed, "Tummy hurts, OWWW" you cried "I'm going to clean this out, I'll get you the heat pad, you try and fall asleep" he said. 

Bucky came back as quickly as possible, he put the bucket down and laid the heat pad on your stomach, he laid in bed with you and held you close "Shhh, shhh, I'm here" he soothed. Bucky whispered sweet things in your ear whilst you fell asleep. 

A few hours later you woke up feeling worse, but Bucky must've fallen asleep. You didn't think it was possible to feel worse than you already did before going to sleep. You got up, feeling really dizzy, achy and knowing you were about to be sick. You totally forgot about the bucket so walked into the ensuite, you closed the door. Your stomach was having none of it, you weren't able to hold anything down. You collapsed in front of the toilet, gripping the seat, you were so dizzy, that you closed your eyes and just waited for the inevitable. 

Bucky woke and realised you weren't there, he got up and knocked on the door of the bathroom "Did you seriously get up and walk to the bathroom?" he asked. When there was no reply, he opened the door, when he saw you being sick, he ran in "(Y/N), why didn't you use the bloody bucket, I put it there for a reason" he said, you weren't listening, Bucky held you gently, rubbing your stomach. Bucky could tell you were on the verge of collapsing, you seemed to have spent at least 7 minutes vomiting and now you were just dry heaving "Babe, breathe, calm down, Shhh" Bucky soothed, you leaned on him heavily. "I would like to give you a bath but I don't think you're able to even semi sit up on your own" he said. He scooped you up in his arms, got you changed and recheck your temperature "101, its gone up" he said. He got a bowl of cool water and a face cloth "Relax, close your eyes" he said, Bucky dabbed your forehead as you started to fall asleep due to the exhaustion. 

Bucky noticed you're breathing was a little abnormal, he carried you down to the medical bay "Can you just check her?" he asked, Bruce checked you over "Bucky, she's fine, this is the flu, she didn't have the vaccine because she was too scared about the needle. I think if you just get her to drink small amounts and if she can eat some crackers then she will be okay" he said "Thanks" Bucky replied. He took you back upstairs, you woke up and Bucky gave you some water, then you went back to sleep. Bucky laid the cloth on your forehead and rubbed circles on you stomach to help it settle. 

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