Becoming Bucky's Therapist

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You were shields certified psychiatrist, you had dealing with all of the avengers helping them overcome anything they might suffer from, Tony had invited you to one of his parties, you couldn't decide what to wear. You put on a blue dress and headed to the tower, there were agents and the team and some other people around. You went to talk to Steve "Hi, you look stunning" he said "thanks, who's this I don't think I've met you" you said looking over at his friend "this is Bucky, we've been friends since childhood" Steve replied "nice to meet you" you said shaking his hand.

The three of you sat in a booth "I know you're technically off duty but can we ask you something?" Steve said "sure I'm never really off duty" you replied "we're assuming you know that Hydra took Bucky and controlled him is there any way that you'll be able help with the ptsd and other things that's it's left behind?" Steve asked "sure I can help, it'll give me something more than paperwork, how about tomorrow" you said "yeah that's good" Bucky replied.

Gun shots were heard through the building, everyone sprung into action, you ducked under table. Bullets in every direction, bodies of agents laying in the floor and puddles of blood. You closed your eyes. Bucky spotted you "(Y/N), they're after you, come on lets get you out of here" he said taking your hand. He walked you through to the back of the building and took you upstairs to his room "we'll be safe here" he said. You had your eyes closed, all you could see where the images of the bodies and the pools of blood.

"(Y/N), are you okay?" Bucky asked "fine" you replied "are you sure, you can say if you're not" he said. Bucky went to get some water, you stood up hoping to stop the nausea. This hope was short lived as you collapsed and vomited on the floor. Bucky walked in the room, he ran to you "Hey, it's okay" he said raking your hair back "That's it, just get it up don't hold back" he soothed. After 30 minutes you stopped, he gave you the bottle of water and went to get a towel to clean up. When he'd clean up he sat next to you, you crawled into his lap "I'm sorry" you sniffled "don't be. Nothing that has happened is your fault" he said. "But... I'm a psychiatrist I shouldn't be like this" you said "actually some soldiers from the war were psychiatrists when they came back so it's perfectly normal" he said. He held you gently, "how about you take a shower, get yourself clean up, here is a hoodie and a pair of sweatpants I'll make you some anti nausea tea and let the team know that your staying here" he suggested, you nodded.

You got in the shower. Bucky went to find the team, they were cleaning up "Where's (Y/N), she can come down now?" Tony asked "She's taking a shower, she's staying with me for the night." Bucky said "How come?" Steve asked "She started being sick. I think it was what she saw when I was leading her out" Bucky replied "Do you need me to brew some tea?" Bruce asked "Yeah, I'll go check on her, thanks" Bucky said "No problem, I'll bring it up to you when it's done" Bruce said. 

Bucky went back in the room, he found you half on the bed, half on the floor, he came over "Tired, help me" you whispered, Bucky smiled at you, "Let's get you on the bed" he said, he picked you up like a princess and sat you on the bed, resting against the headboard. Bruce came with the tea, he handed it to you and then left. After you drank the tea, you laid down. Bucky noticed you had your fingers intwined with his, he pulled you closer to him, you were practically laying on him, you nuzzled into his side, he kissed the top of your head "If you ever want to talk, you can talk to me about anything. Sometimes even psychiatrists need to talk" he said "I want to talk, but can it be in the morning? Too tired" you yawned "Yeah, it can be in the morning" Bucky replied. 

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