Theme Park

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The whole team had been planing this day out for weeks. Peter gave the suggestion of going to a theme park seeing as some of the Avengers had never been to one before. This was agreed and arranged. Traveling to the theme park went overall quite well, only one incident of having to pull over as Wanda felt a little bit sick. 

You and Bucky stuck together. Peter had dragged the team to the rollercoaster first. You all getting on it and screaming majority of the way around. When it went around a sharp corner you slammed into Bucky "You okay?" he asked rather amused "Yep" you giggled. After that ride, you and Bucky sneaked off to the candy stall, Steve saw you both but didn't say anything, knowing you'd learn your lesson at some point during the day. You both ate lots of candy. Peter came to find you both and take you to another ride. 

After a few more rollercoasters and dark rides, you all ate lunch and some ice cream. Before heading over to the tea cups. You and Bucky were sat with with Peter and Wanda who liked to spin the cup as fast as possible. "Slow down" Bucky said. They got off, looking like they were drunk. Bucky had to help you off the ride, you all stood by the waiting zone for the rest of the team. The rest of the team came off, "Right, we should start driving back to the tower" Tony said. "Wait a bit. I need a minute" you said "Pete, we might have spun it a bit too fast" Wanda whispered. 

Everyone got back in the van. "Pull over!" you yelled to the front "Sorry (Y/N), but it's not possible" Tony replied "Great, anyone got a bag, tub or bowl? I am seriously about to puke" you said "No. It's you're own fault, you shouldn't have eaten that much and spun that fast" Tony said. Bucky undid his seatbelt and shuffled closer, he unclipped your seatbelt "Don't worry about the floor or your clothes" he said. You sat cross legged on the seat. You coughed, the whole team heard, they knew it wasn't a dry cough. Soon enough they heard sounds of retching and the splatter of vomit "Everything okay?" Bruce asked "Yeah, no. Is there no way we can pull over?" Bucky asked "No, sorry. I'll open the windows" Bruce said. 

You sat up slowly, drool hung from you lips, Bucky wiped it with the sleeve of his hoodie "I regret everything" you whispered "Me too" he replied "Buck, what's going on?" Steve asked "(Y/N)'s been sick." he replied "Okay, is it everywhere?" Steve asked "Mostly the floor" Bucky replied "That's okay" Steve replied. 

Arriving back at the tower, you got out on Bucky's side as Steve got out "Bucky, you and (Y/N) head to bed and rest. I can tell you're not well either so don't even try to fake you're okay. I'll bring pain meds for the morning and hot water bottle for now. Get changed and get to sleep" he said. 

You and Bucky went into the bedroom, you got changed in the bathroom and Bucky got changed in the room. When you came out he had a hoodie on with sweatpants, leaving them untied. You both got on the bed and under the covers. You laid next to him and played with his hair "Everything okay with you?" you asked "I'm okay. Just a little stomachache and headache but you need me to take care of you" he replied "No, we need cuddles" you said. Steve came in the the hot water bottles, medicine and bottles of water. "Those are for the morning, go to sleep" he said. 

You and Bucky snuggled together with the hot water bottles, you gave him a kiss and he kissed you back before wrapping his arms around you and pulling you even closer to him. "Love you" he said "Love you too" you replied as you both began dosing off. 

Steve was in the living room with the rest of the team "(Y/N) didn't spin the cup, it was me and Wanda" Peter said "What on earth would make you want to go that fast?" Steve asked "I like the sensation of Dizziness, its like being drunk" Wanda replied "You almost puked on the way there" Tony said "I know" Wanda replied. "Then why?" Steve asked "It's just a bit of fun. We didn't expect that reaction out of them both they seem like they don't suffer from things like that" Peter said. 

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