Bucky Barnes

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You were sat in the cell of the Red room waiting to be rescued by the team that had broken into. You weren't the youngest of the group Dreykov took them and left you behind. He give you some alcohol before he went to keep you from leaving. The team came down "Nat, does he usually leave people behind?" the guy asked "No, not normally" she replied "Well, he has" the male replied. The guy picked the lock on the door, he came in "Hey, you going to come with me. My name is Bucky" he said, slowly approaching, you stood up and held out your hand, he took your hand and led you out. 

Bucky took you to their jet. "Hey I'm Dr Banner, What's your name?" he asked "(Y/N), sir" you replied "We're you given anything before he left?" Banner asked "Alcohol, sir" you replied "You don't need to call me sir, we're going to be protecting you from Dreykov" Banner said. Arriving at the compound, they took you to your bedroom and left you to get some rest. 

The next morning, you woke up with a headache. You went down to the bar and grabbed a drink, as you were sat there, Tony came down "Hey, what you doing down here?" he asked "Had a headache" you replied "We have medicine for that, you don't need to drink" he said "This is the medicine" you said. Tony gave you a look, "Don't tell me they didn't give you medicine" he said, you shook your head "Oh, You're going to be really sick" he said "I..I..Never told them when I was in pain. They just told be to say and they'd give me whatever" you said. After a little while you went upstairs for breakfast, then watched TV. Nat introduced you to the normal Tv shows. 

You did the same thing after lunch, you sat on the floor. Bucky was sat in the chair asleep. After a few minutes, you began to feel unwell, you crawled over to Bucky and rested your head on his lap, he didn't wake up. You got up and sat on his lap, he felt the movement and woke up "What's wrong?" he asked, you didn't reply, fearing that if you opened your mouth it wouldn't be words that would come out. He noticed you were pale, you sat up. You couldn't stop the bile rising, you were sick on Bucky's shirt "Oh, (Y/N). Sweetie, it's okay" he said, more just kept coming "You just got to keep being sick, it's the only way you'll feel better, don't worry." he soothed as he rubbed your back. You stopped throwing up soon after "Sorry, Bucky" you said "You don't need to be" he took off his shirt and wiped your lips with a clean section "I'm going to get you in the bath, then some pyjamas on. It's down to the medical bay, I know what to do" he said. 

Bucky ran you a bath and helped you in. He washed your hair, and dried you off, wrapping you in a warm towel. He let you get changed helping with your shirt. You brushed your teeth briefly as he put a shirt on and carried you down to Bruce. Bucky laid you down on the bed, you looked around the room "You're safe" he said. Bruce came in "What's wrong?" he asked "She threw up violently for about 20 minutes, I'm assuming it's something to do with the alcohol from this morning and yesterday." Bucky replied "I'll get the IV and some pain meds for the headache" Bruce said. Once on IV fluids and pain meds, you were falling asleep. Bruce left the room. 

You had your eyes closed "Bucky...I never forgot you" you whispered "I didn't forget you, how could I?" he whispered "Dreykov, he...he..still can track me" you stuttered "How so?" Bucky asked "He put...a..a..a Tracker in me. I couldn't take it out. I'm really sorry, I've might have lead him to you...I..I" you said "Shhh, shhh. This Tracker where is it?" he asked "My thigh" you replied "Okay, doll. I'm just going to get a few things." he said. Nat was sat in the lab as Bucky was grabbing things "What do you need a scalpel for?" she asked "Dreykov put a tracker in (Y/N), I'm taking it out before he finds us or something worse" Bucky replied "You are not qualified" Nat said "I've stitched people up before and cleaned up wounds I can handle this" Bucky replied. 

Bucky laid everything out then closed the curtain, he injected a numbing agent, "You're okay with me doing this?" he asked "yes, just get it out" you replied. Bucky began the process of extracting the tracker from your skin. "It's out, okay. I'm just going to stitch you up" he said. Once you were stitched up, he tided everything up and took the tracker to Nat, "Get rid of it, deconstruct it, something might be useful" he said "Are you not telling me something?" she asked "No, I've told you everything" he replied walking back to you. 

Bucky sat beside you, holding your hand "You're okay, when you've recovered, you can stay with me if you want" he said "Sure. I'm scared of him coming back for me. He'll kill me...If he does come, turn me over to him, he won't touch anyone here if you give me to him" you said "(Y/N), you won't be going back to him, never will I ever let you go." he said. 

You recovered after three weeks, you were in the training room. Shooting blanks at a wall. Bucky came in, he watched you, he noticed your hand shaking a little. He came behind you and held you hand steady. You looked up and loosed your grip, he took it out of your hand and disarmed it and put it down. "Widow's hands never shake. Your hands never did when I trained you" he said "I can't do it" you said "Do what?" he asked "Be a hero. I'm a villain, I will always be a villain. I was made to be an assassin" you replied. The rest of the team came down, Nat went to the shooting range. she picked up a gun and shot the wall, each bullet making your jump. You buried your head in the crook of Bucky's neck, Nat noticed and stopped "Sorry" she said. "Can we go upstairs?" you whispered to Bucky "Sure" he whispered back. 

You and him went upstairs to his room, you both laid down on the bed, you rested your head on his chest "I'm just going to nap, stay with me" you said "Don't worry, I won't go anywhere" Bucky said. 

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