Bucky Barnes

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You just gotten back from School. Your Dad was at the tower, you told your Mom that's where you'd be heading. Clint was your Dad, you were the oldest of the Barton children, and loved being around the Avengers. Obviously, it was getting to the time of the year, everyone at school was getting sick. People called it Fresher's flu. You just called it the back to school bug because that what your mom called it. Now you weren't going to tell your Dad that you weren't feeling well and hadn't been all day. Hiding things around trained spies, a mind reader and of course a doctor was going to be impossible.

You sat on the couch in the living room, when Bucky walked in and sat with you "Hi (Y/N)" he said 'Hi Bucky" you replied "Are you okay?" he asked "Yeah, why?" you asked "You're turning pale, I'm usually good at spotting illness" he said "Don't tell my Dad, please" you said "I wasn't going to" he said. You flopped onto the cushion "(Y/N), What's wrong?" he asked "I hate this so much, I always avoid it, why now?" you said. Bucky picked you up "It's okay, everyone gets sick. Is it from school?' he asked, you nodded holding on to him tight. The door opened, when Bruce walked in "Any reason you've got (Y/N) in your arms?" he asked "Don't tell him" you whispered "I have to, kid" he said. He felt your full weight "(Y/N)! Bruce, she's passed out" he said "Medical now, Was she okay before hand?" Bruce asked "She's ill, she's got the usually thing they always get when back at school" Bucky replied.

Bucky laid you on the bed, Bruce gave you a check up "She's exhausted, she was already sick this morning so it's just gotten worse over the day" he said. You woke up coughing, Bruce placed a bucket in front of you, Bucky helped you sit up. "I'm going to tell Clint" Bruce said "Don't, please" you managed to say before puking again "Seriously I have to. He's your Dad" Bruce said. "He doesn't need to know" you said "know what?" Clint said as he walked in "Oh, great. You're sick" he added. "I wanna stay here" you cried "You need to be home resting" Clint replied "she can stay, I'll look after her" Bucky said. "If you're okay with that then I am. But no funny business" Clint said. You smiled at Bucky. He picked you up and took you to his room.

Bucky laid you down on the bed, he put on a film and letting you cuddle him "Tummy hurts" you whined "FRIDAY, ask Wanda to make a hot water bottle and bring it to my room" Bucky said. "Will do" the AI replied. You started kicking to try and stop the pain "Kid, hey, stop kicking. Shhh, shhhh, I'm taking care of you" he said "It hurts, It's really bad. I want it to stop" you cried "Angel, you need to stay calm" Bucky said. You started to go really pale, he took you to the ensuite, you knelt in front of the toilet. You dry heaved "I feel sick" you whined "Drink this water, all of it as quickly as possible" Bucky said, you did so. "This is a little trick I learnt back in the 40's. It worked on Steve" he said.

"Arms crossed over each other at the back of the seat, kneel up a little more" he put his arm around you waist "Look down, I'm just going to massage your lower back, it should help" he said. You coughed and then threw up the water and the rest of the contents of you stomach. When you stopped you flopped to one side "Got you, I bet you feel better" he said, you nodded meekly. He cleaned you up and and took you back to the bed. Wanda had arrived with the hot water bottle, she placed it on your stomach and kissed your forehead.

Bucky held you close, he kissed your cheek and stroked your hair gently to soothe you to sleep.

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