Agents Of Shield

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You were in mid mission when your bout of the flu began to hit you badly. It was just you alone in the base, you were on coms with Hunter in the Quinjet "Hunter, can you read me?" you asked "Yes, I can hear you, What's up?" he asked "Can you come get me? I feel like I'm about to puke, my stomach is hurting like crazy" you replied "Yep, on my way" he replied. It wasn't long before he found you leaning on a wall, he picked you up "Try not to puke until we get to the jet, I've already got you a bucket" Hunter said.

Hunter set you down on the passenger seat, he gave you the bucket, and closed the hatch. "Coulson, can you read?" he asked "Yes, I can here you, what's going on?" Coulson asked "We've had to abandon mission, (Y/N) isn't feeling great, so we're on the way back. I think she's got the flu" Hunter replied "Okay, Fitz will meet you at the landing bay, with a gurney" Coulson said "Copy that" Hunter replied.

You threw up almost instantly as the jet was in the air "That's it, get it up. You're doing okay, we're not far off the base" Hunter said and he held your hand briefly.

Once landing in the base, Hunter helped you up, walking you out to Fitz, Hunter picked you up and laid you down. They got you to the lab/Medical facility. Everyone was there, Hunter gave Simmons the bucket "Oh yeah, that's the flu alright." she said "How do you know that" Daisy asked "Well, you know when you throw up, you body usually rejects everything in your stomach, that's what happens when you have flu. Except that keeping things down is virtually impossible due to the nature of the bacteria." Simmons explained "Oh" Daisy said.

They let you stay in the pod, Hunter sat with you, Simmons brought bottles of water, cool patches and sick bowls, leaving Hunter to take care of you. After a little while, you stomach was tightening, you sat up "Hunter, I think I'm gonna be sick" you said "Hey, don't look so worried, darlin'. That's what I'm here for" he said. He held the bowl for you and rubbed your back as you threw up. After about 7 minutes, he wiped your lips and helped you drink some water "OWWW!" you cried "(Y/N), do you want me to call for Simmons?" he asked, you nodded as you snaked your arms around your stomach. Hunter pressed the button, you were crying with was making you gag, Hunter held a second bowl as you began vomiting from the pain and crying.

Simmons came in "Oh my gosh. She's quite ill, let me go get an IV, Sedation, pain killer and fluids. I'll get the tubes for oxygen." she said.

Simmons came back, She gave you some pain killer and sedation - Hunter cradled you in his arms. As you drifted off he laid you down, Simmons put the fluid drip on and placed the tubes. She took the bowls away.

Simmons went back to the deck, everyone was waiting "How is she?" Coulson asked "Awful. Within about 10-15 minutes she'd thrown up twice, has severe stomach pain. I've sedated her for now, just so she can settle and the pain killers can get working" She explained "The poor thing, how did she get so sick" Fitz asked "We don't know, she must've caught it with the base from someone" Simmons said "Wait a second, wasn't Bobbi sick yesterday?" May said "Yes, she's currently in bed, and (Y/N) was taking care of her. Oh my god, she's caught it instantly. Sugar! Her immune system might be slightly compromised by the terrogensis" Simmons said.

They all ran down to med bay "Fitz grab the antibiotics. May get the intubation tubes. Daisy bring in the ventilator!" Simmons ordered.

"What's wrong? Is she going die?" Hunter asked "She won't die, the terrogensis had compromised her immune system temporarily. So we're going to fight this for her, and then in a week we'll wake her up again" Fitz said.

A week went by and they woke you up, Simmons took out the breathing tube as you woke up she put the oxygen tubes under your nose "you should be feeling better but just tired" Fitz said. Hunter came in and kissed your forehead "hey darlin' you're looking much better" he said "feel it too, I'm kinda hungry and thirsty" you said "May it currently making soup" Simmons said.

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