Nightmares and love

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TW: There is some SMUT, this was my first time writing full on Smut, I hope its not cringey or anything like that. Sorry if it is. 

You were asleep, dreaming about a past mission. You normally get nightmares about something or another. Bucky had always told you to go to him, or have FRIDAY alert him about a nightmare, only issue FRIDAY had been down the entire week. You were thrashing around, breathing erratically. It was only when you tumbled off the bed did you wake up "OW!" you exclaimed. You landed on your wrist weirdly. You got up off the floor and wanders to Bucky's room, holding your arm close to your body. You opened the door and entered. 

"Bucky, wake up, I need you" you said, Bucky woke up and turned the light on 'Another nightmare?" he asked, you nodded, "Come on, sit here with me" he said shuffling down the bed making room for you. You sat on the bed, Bucky noticed the bruise forming on the side of your face "Where's that come from?" he asked "I fell out of bed" you replied "That's a new one" he said. You moved your arm and winced, he got a cushion and gently placed it under your arm "Is that better?" he asked "Yeah, I think it's broke" you said "It looks like it. But without FRIDAY we can't wake up Bruce or Tony" Bucky replied. You rested your head on his shoulder, tears escaped your eyes "Shhhh Shhh, you're okay. You're safe, what ever your nightmare was, it was not real, it wasn't happening. We'll get your arm sorted tomorrow morning" he said kissing your temple. You started to fall asleep on his shoulder. 

When morning came, Bucky took your straight to the lab, he made a sling out of a towel "(Y/N), what have you done this morning?" Bruce asked "I fell out of bed, last night' you replied "Oh, okay. Let's get an X-Ray of that arm and find out what damage you've done" Bruce said. He took the X-Ray and checked it "It's definitely broken, so we're going to give you a cast, what colour do you want?" he asked "Grey" you replied "Okay" Bruce replied. Bucky sat you on his lap as Bruce put the cast on your arm, you sat there waiting for it to harden before Bruce gave you some painkillers and a sling "Cast stays on for 6 weeks" he said. 

You and Bucky went up for breakfast "How on earth have you broken your arm?" Nat asked "If you heard a Thud last night, it was me. I fell out of bed" you explained for the third time "I heard but I thought it was a lamp or something" Tony said "Well, no it wasn't" you replied "FRIDAY will be back up and running today" he said. After breakfast, you sat on the couch and just watch TV but your getting bored 'I want to do something but I can't because I only have use of one arm" you complained "You could do me, doll" Bucky said, the room went silent "Bucky! Really, out loud" Steve said "(Y/N) started that one" Bucky said. You got up and sat on his lap, "Really, Bucky" you said. Bucky's lips crashed on yours "Not in the living room" Tony said. 

Bucky picked you up and carried you to his room "You sure about this, doll?" he asked "Of course, my love" you replied. You took the sling off, he pulled you in closer and carried on kissing you, he started tugging at your shirt, he took it off as well as his own, kissing your neck. You flipped on to his lap, and began kissing his neck. You both started leaving little marks on each other, then stripped the rest of your clothes "You're so beautiful" he whispered before kissing your neck. He made his way down the the rest of your body kissing you, he found you were very sensitive on your stomach "Bucky, Oh, Bucky" you moaned, arching your back, he started to thrust his hips into you, you moaned "Enjoying this, my love" he teased, you nodded. "Bucky...Go faster" you moaned "You sure about that?" he asked, you nodded as quickly as possible, "Yes, yes, I love you" you gasped, You thrusted your hips towards him, you both moaned as you both came "Oh, I love you so much, baby" Bucky gasped. 

Bucky settled beside you, you laid on top of him, gently kissing his chest as he covered, you and him with the duvet. "I love you, (Y/N)" Bucky said stroking your back "Love you too, Bucky" you replied, nuzzling his chest. You both fell asleep tangled with each other. 

Meanwhile in the kitchen, "Are they going to be here?" Clint asked "I'll go check on them" Steve said. When he got to the door of the room it was quiet, he opened the door and peaked in, seeing the clothes all over the floor and the both of you asleep, he closed the door. "The answer is no" Steve replied "They...You're joking?" Tony said "Nope, not joking" Steve said "I don't even want to think about that, (Y/N)'s like my sister" Clint said "Let's leave the lovers be" Steve said. 

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