Peter takes care of you.

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You had decided to take Peter out to eat, Tony thought you two could bond and Bucky agreed as you needed to know that Peter wasn't worried that you'd kill him, this was something you always worried about as you had been involved with the murder of his Uncle and Aunt when Dreykov had control over you. You took him to a Burger place knowing he really likes them. 

You both sat in the restaurant and ordered, Peter could see you were a little tense "Hey, don't worry. These people don't know your past" he said "Thanks, Pete" you replied. A few minutes later the food arrived, the salad you ordered tasted slightly off but you didn't mention anything, Peter seemed to be enjoying his burger. You both talked about random things and Peter told you about his Girlfriend and school. After that you both went back to the tower and went to bed. 

Bucky was out on a late mission with Tony and Steve. The others were out doing late night fun stuff. So it was just you and Peter. It had just turned 1am when Peter was woken up by Friday "What's up, Friday?" he asked "It's Miss (L/N), she appears to be in a little distress and has been vomiting, she requires some assistance" the AI said "Okay, I'll be there in a little bit" Peter said. He stopped off at the kitchen to get a bottle of water. 

Peter entered the bathroom and knelt beside you putting the water bottle down "It's okay, Just let it out, (Y/N)"  he said gently pulling your hair back, you heaved and coughed. After a few dry coughs, Peter handed you the water bottle "Sorry" you said "It's fine. It's just and me" he said flushing the toilet. You laid down, Peter put your head on his lap and you fell asleep. 

In the official morning, Bucky found the both of you in the bathroom "What happened?" he asked "We went to that burger place, she had a salad. It must have been bad." Peter said sadly "How long have you been up?" Bucky asked "Since 1am, she only threw up the once, but it was a lot. She fell asleep and I can't lift her" Peter replied "You go get some sleep, Pete. I'll take it from here" Bucky replied, gently picking you up. 

Bucky tucked you in bed and got in on the other side, he put his hand on your stomach to sooth it. He fell asleep with you. 

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