AOS - Fitz

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Fitz was in the lab of the base, you had been put on mission, he was waiting for you to return. He always worried about you, he cared ever so deeply about you and the team knew that, you knew that. What he wasn't expecting was the way you were going to return.

You were walking down the hallway closely followed by Daisy and Coulson, stumbling. Fitz stood up and walked over "What happened?" He asked "She kept saying she took something" Coulson said "Took what?" Fitz asked "We don't know" Daisy replied "Okay leave her with me" Fitz said. 

Fitz took you over to his chair, and sat you on his lap "Can you tell me what you took, baby?" he asked "I don't know" you replied "Okay, can you tell me how you're feeling?" he asked "Everything hurts, Fitz. Sedate me" you said "I won't sedate you, I'm going to give something to relax you" he said. He injected the liquid "It's okay" he said. Simmons walked in "How is she?" she asked "Relaxed, I gave her what she asked for" Fitz said "You can't keep giving into her like that" Simmons said "I'm sorry but my love bugs in pain, I'm going to treat her for it and she can have all the attention she wants" he replied. 

Fitz took you to the bedroom, you started whimpering "Where's the pain?" he asked, you pointed to your stomach "Anything I can do?" he asked, "Stay" you replied. That's exactly what he did. During the night he woke up to the sound of coughing, he looked down at you "Baby, you feeling alright?" he asked, you shook your head and puddle of blood came up "Jesus, oh my god" he exclaimed. He pressed the coms "Any agent, I need a stretcher and oxygen down at (Y/N)'s room now" he said. 

Coulson and May ran into the room, Fitz lifted you on the bed, "It's okay, I'm going to help you" he said, the rushed you down to medical and he gave you some medicine and fluids to stop the reaction. You were unconscious by this point. 

In the morning, you were more recovers. Fitz was at your side 'Sweetheart, you're okay, you'd you threw up a puddle of blood, I've reversed it." he said "Can you come and hold me?" you asked "Yeah, sure" he said. He got on the bed and held you close "You'll always have me, no matter what" he said. Coulson walked in "Hows our patient?" he asked "Okay, just needs some comforting" Fitz replied "That's good" Coulson replied. 

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