AOS - The Doctor (Fitz)

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You were training with Agent May, you weren't feeling your best but gone with it, trying your hardest not to let it show. "(L/N), keep up!" May said. Your punches became lazy and she seemed to catch all of them, the next trainee came in so you left without uttering a word. You walked to Doctor Leopold's office, hoping he'd give you some comfort. 

You knocked on the door "Come in" his voice echoed. You opened the door "Sorry for interrupting doctor" you said "No problem, what can do you for you baby?" he asked. May entered abruptly "That new trainee, passed out" she said "Go sort him out, Agent. I'm sure your capable of that" Leopold said, May left. "Sorry, baby, continue?" he looked around "(Y/N)?" he questioned, he looked past the long conference table seeing you curled into a corner. Leopold rushed towards you. "What's wrong?" he asked "I don't feel well" you replied, he pressed his hand to your forehead "You're burning up" he said. 

His dad walked in "Leopold." he looked down "Jesus, here let's get you off the floor sweetheart" he said, both him and Leopold helped you up, your stomach lurched forward, causing you to bring up breakfast "That's it lass" his dad said "S-Sorry" you said "Don't be, floors can be cleaned, baby." Leopold soothed, "Father, go get the medical staff to bring in a bed, IV, Monitors, Fluids, Sick bags and a bin for them" he added. 

It didn't take long for the medical staff to arrive, Leopold picked you and laid you on the bed, the nurses attached you to the monitors and Iv then they left you be with Leopold. "Sleep, my love. I'll be right here all day and all night" he said. After doing some work, he watched as you became restless. He stood by your bed, "Darling, hey" he said, you woke up "Leo, I'm feeling sick" you said, he handed you a bag, you gagged, he rubbed your bag "Let it up, love. It'll do you a world of good" he soothed. After a couple of gags you threw up, Ward and and a few agents came in "My father is in the other office, speak with him. I've got a severely ill Agent" Leopold said. He disposed of the bag and wiped your lips. "Leopold, can you come hug me" you asked "Sure anything for you, let me get changed and then I'll hop in next to you" he said. 

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