Agents of Shield - Fitz

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                        ~ in the framework ~

You were headed to the bosses office, or rather lab this time. You were shaking and just wanted him to take care of you. You were is prised gem, he always made time for you. You entered the lab. "Leopold" you said, he turned to you "Hey beautiful. Everything okay?" he asked "No, I'm feeling really shaky and it's scaring me" you replied, he took his gloves off and walked to you "Would you like to lay down, on one of the beds?" he asked "please" you said. He scooped you up and laid you down "What have you done today?" he asked "I performed the execution, like I was told to" you replied "You shouldn't be on the list for those, they know how sick you get from doing it" he said.

Fitz sat with you, an agent came in "Lock them up, I'm dealing with my darling" he said. You gagged in your hand "Babes, be sick if you need to be, the cleaner will clean up" he said. You sat up "Leo, can you get a bowl, I'm dizzy" you said "Sure beautiful" he replied. He held it for you, rubbing you back "I think I'll get you home after you've done, take care of you and hopefully this won't happen again' he said. He helped you off the bed and walked you to his car.

At home, he took you to bed "you need to rest, I'll be here. If you need anything just ask babe, I just want you better" he said.

                     ~ time lapse - real word~
You had all made it back to the real world. Mostly unharmed. You found Fitz, he hugged you tightly, you knees buckled "it's okay, I've got you" he soothed. Coulson came over "we need medical attention" he said "No, No. Her mind is fractured, it's just taking time to piece together. We did a lot of bad bad things" Fitz said "none of that was either of you. That was the framework" Coulson said "on a subconscious level it was, they are capable of that" Yo-Yo said "how do we know they won't do it here?" Mack said "we don't. That's why we're going to lock ourselves in the inhuman pod and stay there" Fitz said "we need you, you can't stay in there"Daisy said "Daisy I almost killed you. It was me, it was a part of me" Fitz said "it wasn't you Fitz" Daisy said "it was and you just don't want to believe it" Fitz replied.

You and him left the room, heading to the inhuman pods. "I'm a bad person" you said, he didn't want to believe it but then again he believed he was one " I'm the one who put you up to that stuff, I'm the bad person here" he said. After a long while you'd fell asleep. May came in "I brought you some water and food. I know you think you're dangerous, but we know the real you." She said "you did just meet him" Fitz replied "Fitz for gods sake that wasn't you that would never be you" she said "it is May. Why can't you just accept that with my fathers intervention I become that" he said. May left you both alone.

~ on mission ~
You were sent out of your first mission since the framework. Fitz was obviously worried about you, shooting agents wasn't your strong point anymore because of the executions in the framework. Be waited in the hangar for you to return.

The jet landed, Fitz walked on "where is she?" He asked "lab" May replied. Fitz headed down to the lab, he saw you curled up beside a bucket "oh my god, you're still..." he said, you nodded "right, come on then, let's get you to bed" he said. He helped you up and held the bucket for you just in case. As he was led you through the base, Coulson spotted you both. "Everything okay?" He asked "No more field mission for (Y/N), she can't keep doing this" Fitz said "oh why?" Coulson asked "She keep vomiting after killing said person" Fitz replete "okay, had the bucket to me, I'll go get it cleaned and you take her to bed" he said. Fitz took you to bed.

He stayed with you while you slept, eventually falling asleep himself.

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