Nat's stubborn daughter

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You were the teenage daughter of Natasha Romanoff, trained in the red room like she was. She helped you get out. You were due out on a mission with Steve. "(Y/N) get you ass down here for breakfast" you heard your Mom call. You got out of bed, wobbled a little bit, you put on your suit and put on a little bit of make-up before headed to the kitchen. The smell of breakfast, made you stomach churn, you sat down "What do you want, honey?" Nat asked "I'm not really that hungry Mom" you said "Why is that?" she asked "I'm just too excited for the mission" you replied. "Okay, we'll get going then, but I will make you something when we get back" Steve said. 

You were kicking the ass of the HYDRA/Red room associates. You Stomach not giving a single break "Done here" you said looking over all the agents now on the floor either unconscious or possibly dead. Steve came in, just as you leant on the wall, you didn't want to admit it but something was telling you too "Cap, I don't feel too good" you said. He was by your side in seconds "Just as stubborn as your mother" he said. You put both hands on the wall "Need me to do anything?" he asked, you shook your head. Steve went to check the halls for any stray agents. 

Meanwhile in the room, you were trying your best not to throw up. You walked out the room following Steve. You caught up to him "Can we go back?" you asked "Yeah, feeling worse?" he asked. You nodded. He took you back to the quinjet. He set it on autopilot "You should take care of yourself more" he said. He turned to find you laying in an odd position on the floor "What on earth?" he questioned "Do not tell my Mom, I lay like this when I feel like I'm gonna puke, it's stops it" you replied "You do realise that you're not supposed to stop yourself" he replied "Yeah, I'm a widow, Sickness equal Weakness" you replied "That's completely wrong. Sit up" he said "No way" you replied. 

Steve went into the bathroom and brought out the bucket, he sat you up in lap, placing the bucket under your chin. He began to rub your stomach, lightly massaging it. You threw up, When you finished, you wiped your mouth on your sleeve, tears rolling down your cheeks. The jet landed back at the compound. Steve helped you up and held the bucket under your chin as you both walked off the jet. He took you up to the living room where Nat was waiting "How did the mission go?" she asked flicking through the channels "It was okay. (Y/N) vomited on the way back" Steve replied "I knew you were sick" Nat said "Once, Mom, it was once" you said. Steve cleaned the bucket out, you ran to the bin, and heaved "Twice then" you gasped. 

When you stopped, you headed to your room to get changed and came back to the living room. Laying down on the couch, Steve put the bucket beside you, he checked your temperature with the forehead thermometer "You're running just a small fever, It's just a stomach bug. I can make you a hot water bottle" he said "No hot water bottle" you said "Why not?" he asked "You, you're warm and comfortable" you said "Well come on" he said sitting in the chair. You got up and sat on his lap, cuddled up to him, he put the blanket around your shoulders as you rested your head on his shoulder. "Do you want me to take care of you?" he asked "Yes, please" you yawned. 

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