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You were human, a rarity amongst the celestial people. However, Eros visited earth once and came across you, a stressed out teen. Sat on the pavement, alone and cold. He took you in as a companion and guardian. He took great care of you all time, even when you were sick, it tended to scare him because he couldn't get sick and always wondered how you managed too. 

A few days ago, you both visited a planet, unknown to you. Eros wasn't willing to let you get of the ship due to the fact that there was a form of what human's called the flu going around on this planet, you convinced him anyway. 

You woke up, stomach feeling off. You knew this would never get past Eros. You laid there and waited for him to come get you. Your door opened "(Y/N), my star, are you awake?" he asked "Yeah" you replied. He sat on the edge of your bed "You look a little pale, feeling okay?" he asked  "I'll be fine" you replied "Do you want some breakfast?" he asked, "No thanks" you replied falling for the trap you fell for a million times "Knew it, you fall for it every time" he said. "I'll get you some water, you stay here and get some rest" he said, kissing your forehead. He came back with the water, you drank a little and went back to sleep. 

Eros went to do some research on stomach flu, to find out what symptoms you could have. He heard a soft call from your room, "Yes, stardust?" he said "I feel sick" you said "Okay, I won't be long, let me get some things" he said. Eros came back, he sat on the bed, you were still laid down , he brought a warm towel, wrapping it around your middle, he brought a cool one for a little later. "Can you sit up?" he asked, you shook your head, he helped you sit up sitting you on his lap, holding a bowl "Do you want me to hold it?" he asked, you nodded. It didn't take long before you began to vomit, you calmed down a little "Done, stardust?" he asked, you shook your head "Let's get you to the bathroom, I think it'll be easier for you" he said, he picked you up, carrying you on his hip, he put the bowl in the sink. He set you down gently, the cool cloth on your neck, he rubbed your stomach. 

After about 3 hours, you stopped being sick, you were exhausted, pale and feverish. Clinging to Eros like he was the only thing that existed "Hey, Stardust, you're okay. You're tummy is empty, you're done, it's over. You can cling to to me for the rest of the week, it's a extreme strand of the flu" he soothed. He helped you clean up and put on fresh clothes, renewing both the towel and the cloth, he cleaned out the sick bowl and carried you back to the bedroom, he put the bowl on the side table, you drank some water and fell asleep in his arms. 

Marvel Imagines part 2Where stories live. Discover now