Found by Bucky

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Spoiler's for Black Widow, read at own risk. 

Bucky was walking down the streets of New York, heading back to the compound, when he saw the outline of a figure sat in an alley way. Vaguely remembering the times he'd found Steve bleeding in alleyways from one of his fights he decided to check it out. Bucky entered the alley way and saw you, bloodied and bruised. You were unconscious, he tried to wake you up "Hey, wake up" he said, your eyes opened a little and you whimpered "I'm not going to hurt you, I'm going help you. I'm Bucky" he said, you nodded. He took his phone out "Hey, Steve. Come down in one of the cars, I need your help. Ask Tony and Bruce to prep a bed in medical" he said "I'm on my way, I've got your location. I'll be there soon" Steve replied. 

Bucky picked you up and held you close to keep you warm, Steve arrived quickly with a car. Bucky got in the passenger side holding you "Oh my god. Do you know what happened?" he asked "No clue, It looks like someone did it to her, she was responsive a little" Bucky replied. They arrived at the compound, Bucky carried you to the medical bay, "Okay, lay her on the bed" Bruce said. He and Tony attached all the monitors to you and put you on a IV. Bruce began cleaning all the wounds "Tony, grab some stitches" Bruce said. After every wound was cleaned, dressed, and/or stitched up, they began to check you for broken bones "Broken ribs, can't really do much" Tony replied. Bruce gave you some painkillers. Wanda got you changed using her powers. 

The rest of the team came up to the bay to see you "I'll head down to the alley tomorrow with Clint, see if we can find anything" Nat said. Bucky sat with you "I asked FRIDAY to run an identification scan, what we found was interesting." Tony said "Go on" Bucky said "Her name is (Y/N) (L/N), former SHIELD agent, taken by Dreykov, a couple years back, trained in the Red Room" Tony replied. "She's a widow?" Nat asked "Yes, One of the newly trained" Tony replied. 

The next day, you started to wake up, the bright lights blinding you "Where the hell am I?" you asked "You're in the Avengers Compound, you been out since yesterday evening. I found you in an alley way, remember me?" Bucky asked "Yeah, Bucky. Thanks for saving me" you replied "No problem, it is kinda my job" he replied. Bruce entered "Good morning Miss (L/N), I'm Dr Bruce Banner, I took care of you" he said "Why do my ribs hurt so much?" you asked "There are a few that are fractured on either side, so you may find it hard to move and breathe for the next couple days" Bruce replied "Oh, okay." you replied. 

Nat and Clint came back "Nothing, no evidence what so ever" Nat said. "Ms Romanoff?" you questioned "Hey, (Y/N). How do you know me?" she asked "Dreykov" you replied "Right, Do you remember anything from the attack?" she asked "I remember being grabbed, told I'm going to be kept captive and turned. Then just a whole lot of pain and Blood" you replied "It could have been HYDRA" Clint said "Why would they go for someone who's already trained?" Tony asked "They'd go for a new Widow as it was chemical training. Their brain waves where changed to follow orders. They don't know what's them and what's not. They all struggle with making choices as they haven't been able to do it since being captured at little girls" Nat explained. 

Bruce took a blood sample to check for any traces "Can I ask a few questions?" you said "Sure" Nat replied coming in "I'm still kinda confused, who's HYDRA?" you asked "HYRDA are Nazi's they originated as the science department in the second world war. They have been branching out since, experimenting on people making then enhanced or placing under mind control wiping memories and training them as elite assassins" Bucky replied "Okay, Dreykov told me that I was an elite Widow, is that the same thing?" you asked "Sure is. You already had the training so HYDRA was thinking that in taking you they would only have to take your mind and put something else in" Nat replied "Dreykov already did that" you said. "Who gave you the antidote?" Nat asked "Oh, Yelena. Though my reaction was different" you said. 

Bruce entered the room, "There are still small traces of the chemical compound in your blood. This means with enough control and power over you, you can go straight back in programming" he said. Bucky looked up at Bruce "You basically mean she's like me" he said "Yes, which is why she's a valuable asset for HYDRA" Bruce said. "Not to complain or anything, I'm hungry can I have something?" you asked "Sure, I'll go make you a sandwich" Nat said. Tony came in "Why didn't you fight back?" he asked "I..I didn't want to... kill them" you replied quietly, "We'd be a better position now if you had" Tony said "You don't know what I'm capable of. You don't ever want to know" you said. "Am I missing something?" Tony asked "She's basically a replica of Bucky, in the way that the antidote effected her, it didn't take it all away. She can go back to the way she was before" Bruce explained "Oh, I'm sorry I said that. Wow. Okay." Tony said. Nat came back with your sandwich "Thanks" you replied. 

After a few days spent in the med bay, you finally got to see your room "We've put you in Steve and Bucky's room. They are strong enough to hold you down if you experience nightmares, they do it for each other so we know they can" Tony explained "I went out and bought you some clothes and makeup" Wanda said "I bought you a fluffy blanket as it can get quite cold in the tower" Nat said. "Thanks, all of you. I'm just going to apologies for any screaming or anything" you said "We're used to it" Clint said. 

You settled down for the night, after your shower, you got cosy in your new pyjamas. It was in the early hours of the morning when you began to toss and turned, you began kicking too. Bucky woke up, he got out of bed and held your arms down "(Y/N), wake up. Hey, come on" he said, it didn't work "(Y/N), your having a bad dream, what is happening isn't happening, you need to wake up" he said. You shot awake sitting up abruptly, gasping for breath "Breathe, I've got you, doll" Bucky said holding you. Steve woke up after hearing Bucky's voice "Do you need anything?" he asked "Brew some of that Camille tea, I think it will help" Bucky replied. "Hurts to breathe" you said "Take some slow deep breathes, that's your fractured ribs that are causing that" he said. Bucky ran his fingers through your hair as you calmed down, he put a pillow behind your head. Steve came in "I put it in a tumbler, there you go" he handed it over to you. You drank the tea and began to relax "Do you want to go back to sleep?" Bucky asked "No, I'm too scared and on edge" you replied "That's fine, I'll stay up with you, if you want to talk about it you can" he said. 

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