Bucky's daughter

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You are Bucky's daughter, biologically. Born in the 1940's but of course you landed in a slight predicament when he was captured, Zola was out for you too, thinking he could have two strong soldiers who have tight knit bond as father and daughter. You were one of the main things Bucky could remember, your mother was killed protecting you, you were 6 years old at the time. They waited till you were 15 to give to the serum and freezes you just like he was. The serum developed for you only made you strong and fast, you didn't get the immune system.

You were sat on the couch in the apartment waiting for Bucky to get back from a meeting about an upcoming mission. "Miss Barnes, you seemed to have a fever" FRIDAY said "I know, I don't feel well" you said "Would you like me to inform your Father?" the AI asked "Please" you replied. Bucky came upstairs promptly.

"(Y/N), FRI said you're not feeling well, anything I can do?" He asked "Cuddle me" you replied "Okay sunflower" he sat you on his lap, you got comfortable. Hours went by and Bucky put you in his bed to sleep for a while, so he could have some lunch and make you some soup.

About 45 minutes later you walking in the kitchen "Papa?" You said quietly "Yes, Sunflower?" He replied, you started to cry, he turned to you "Have you thrown up?" He asked, you nodded "Where? Its' okay" he hugged you "The bed" you replied through sobs, "I'm not mad" he reassured. You hiccuped, then ran back to the bedroom. Bucky turned off the oven and followed you. "Do you want to see Bruce?" He asked, you nodded, he picked you up and carried you to the lab.

"How is she?" Tony asked "Ready to puke again, is Bruce around?" Bucky replied "Yeah. Here's a bucket, sit her on the bed. I'll go get him." Tony replied. Bucky sat you on the bed, he held the bucket under your chin as you threw up, "Good girl, you're doing really well" he said. Bruce entered "The poor thing, I'll just do a few checks" he said, once you were checked over, you vomited again from him pressing on your stomach "She got the seasonal stomach bug, she's dehydrated so I'm going to give her an IV drip" he said, Bruce took the bucket to be cleaned.

"Papa, I'm cold and...and feel really bad." You cried "I know, sunflower, I'm going to stay with you I will not leave you alone. Bruce will make you better, just rest your head on the pillow" Bucky replied. Bruce came back, he put the IV in your arm and put the bucket on the floor in case you need it. Bucky covered you with an extra blanket.

A day went by and you were still in the medbay. Bucky was beside you. "Papa, I need the bucket" you said, he sat the bed up and held it as you puked. "It's okay, shhh, just let it up" he soothed, when you stopped "Sunflower, you're as white as a sheet. You look really sick." He said. Steve came in "can you get Bruce, something is seriously wrong with (Y/N)" Bucky asked "Sure" Steve replied.

Bruce came in followed by the team, he checked you again and took a blood sample and went to test it. He came back with another needle "She's been drugged, so I'm going to give her this medicine which will make her sick again and it will stop after this and the toxin will be gone" he explained.

You looked at Bucky "kitten, it's okay. This is the last of it" he said. You let Bruce give you the medicine and just waited for it to work, it took about 10 minutes. You were really tired, Bruce came in "You'll be fine now. So I'm going to get you something to eat" he said, you shook your head "tired, not hungry" you said. Bucky picked you up "Papa, can I sleep?" You asked "yes, remember you don't have to ask" he replied. Bruce was worried "she asks?" He questioned "yeah, something hydra did to her" Bucky replied "Take her to bed, if she refuses food bring her down but other than that give her soup" Bruce said.

Bucky took you to bed, he laid you down "I'm here, I'm staying beside you if you need me just ask" he said.  

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