Agents of Shield

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You had just been fighting a bunch of people, you were sat in the lounge of the base, you didn't go down to the lab for treatment. You went straight to the lounge and grabbed a beer sitting on the couch. Hunter came upstairs to find you "Hi, I was looking for you, How did it go?" he asked "As well as it could've" you replied. He turned around "What the hell happened?" he asked "I got shot what does it look like" you replied with a smile "You need to get that cleaned up" he said "No, it's fine. The room is spinning but I'm fine" you said "Bloody hell" Hunter exclaimed, he picked you up and carried you down to the lab. 

"Hunter, oh my god! Lay her down on the table. Someone grab the stuff for bullet extraction and stitching now!" Fitz said. Fitz put on some gloves and got a scalpel, he opened the bullet wound more, to get the bullet out. "Fitz!! Shit!!" you screamed "I'm sorry, really sorry. I can't sedate you, it's too late" he said. The team heard and ran in the lab, they watched as Fitz stitched you up and covered the scar with a dressing. You sat up "Take it slow" Bobbi said, "I'm fine" you said. 

Hunter took you back to your bedroom "Is there anything you need? Are you okay?" he asked "I probably shouldn't have drank those beers" you replied "Probably not." he replied. "Can you carry me to the bathroom, then get me a drink and some crackers please?" you asked "Sure, do you want me to tell them?" he asked "No, just make something else up" you said "Okay, got it" he said. 

Hunter went down to the kitchen "Everything okay?" May asked "Yeah, she just wants something to drink, she a little upset, I know she likes crackers, I'm just taking these to her" he replied "She never normally drinks water" Coulson said "She just fancied a change" Hunter replied. He took the stuff back to your room, he went in the bathroom and found you passed out on the floor "(Y/N), hey, are you there?" he said trying to wake you. You woke up and threw up "Oh (Y/N), shhh, it's just the beers." he moved your hair "Let's sit you up so you don't choke, you let everything out" he said. You stopped and hugged him "Shhhh, It's okay, they don't know" he said. 

Hunter set you down on the bed, he cleaned up the bathroom. Filling a bowl with Luke warm water, getting some clothes and a towel, before heading into the bedroom. He set everything down on the side table and gave you some water "I'm going to bathe you here so you don't have to move, I'll get you ready for bed and if you want me to I can stay" he said. You nodded. After the small bath, he got you in some pyjamas and took off his shirt, jeans and shoes. You had a few crackers and then laid down beside him. You cuddled into his side, he kissed the top of your head. Daisy opened the door "Coulson told me to check on her" she said "She's asleep, she just wanted some cuddles so i'm going to stay tonight, keep her comfortable" Hunter said "Good, you both look very sweet, I'll let Coulson know." Daisy replied. 

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