Wanda Maximoff

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You had just been in the biggest fight you've ever been in, this was against some HYDRA members. You ran into them by accident and they wanted you for your power. You were covered with cuts and bruises. You made you way back to the compound. Hoping someone was home. You stumbled through the building. Then smelt something coming from the kitchen so that's were you went. 

You stumbled through "(Y/N), what have you done?" Wanda asked turning the stove off, you could only look at her before dropping to the floor. She ran over to you, when she lifted your shirts she saw the stab wound and began to close it, you cried "Shhh, Shhh. I'm nearly there" she said "Wanda, I got hurt. They came for me" you said "You're safe, FRIDAY, lock the compound" Wanda said. She helped you up "You're shaken up" she said. You looked up at her "Wanda's here, I will take care of you" she said. Tony came up from the lab "There's blood drips" he said "She got stabbed, I healed her up, she's terrified" Wanda replied "What happened?" Tony asked "They want me, they tried too" you replied "Hush now, I've got you" Wanda said, she comforted and healed the rest of your cuts. 

The team came up for dinner "Sweetie, wake up, it's dinner time" Wanda said. You stood up but was a little shaky "Take my hands" she said. Wanda walked you to the table, you sat down. Bruce looked at you "I'll give you something for the pain later" he said. After dinner, you felt much better "Wanda, thanks for taking care of me" you said "No worries. Come to my room tonight, I just want to be sure you're okay. I can put you in a soothing sleep" she said "Okay, can I bring my blanket?" you asked "Yes" she replied kissing your forehead. 

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