Brutasha's daughter

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You were the the daughter of the recently married Natasha Romanoff and Bruce Banner, you were dating Bucky Barnes. You woke him up after one of his nightmares and played with his hair, you do this most nights. Bucky began to wonder why you were always awake when he was asleep. You'd woken him up for the second time that week, did your usual thing "Hey, Buck. Don't worry, that wasn't you. I love you" you said "Love you too" he mumbled, you knew he was scared he was going to hurt you. Once you knew he'd gone back to sleep. You got out out of bed, went into the bathroom. 

You looked in the full length mirror, letting the green sparks flicker between your fingers, no one knows you have powers. Not even you Mom and Dad. You slid down the wall, sobbing quietly. Unaware that Bucky had woken up, without you beside him. He immediately started to worry, he got up and went looking for you. He check the bathroom, knocking on the door "(Y/N) are you in there?" he asked. You wiped the tears, knowing he was going to know as soon as you opened the door. You took a deep breath and opened the door "I thought you were asleep" you said "I was, what were you doing?" he asked "I needed the bathroom, come on" you said taking his hand "Have you been crying?" he asked "No, not at all. I have allergies" you replied. You both got back into bed and fell asleep till the morning alarm. 

That morning, Bucky noticed you weren't your usual happy self. You both went to breakfast "Morning, honey" Bruce said "Morning, Dad. Where's Mom?" you replied "She's training with Steve" Bruce replied. You had a small and simple breakfast. Bruce began to notice, Nat did when she came up "What's up with you?" she asked "Nothing, I'm fine" you replied "Fine doesn't look like lazing around in your pyjamas" she replied "I'm fine, Mom" you replied "Are you and Bucky having issues?" she asked "No, why would you say that?!" you said leaving the room. Nat heard the door slam. 

Nat went down to the lab where Bucky was "Hey, something's up with my daughter, do you know anything?" she asked "No, she told me she had allergies last night when I questioned her about having red and puffy eyes. I'll go talk to her" he said. 

Bucky headed upstairs, he opened the door to the bedroom, he saw the mess and your powers as the mirror smashed, into tiny pieces. He closed the door "(Y/N), do you want talk?" he asked. You turned around, you ran straight into the ensuite and closed the door. "Seriously, come and talk" he said "Baby, please, you always tell me to talk. So I'm telling you, come out here and talk to me." You didn't come out the room. Bucky heard a small thud, he opened the door and you were laying on the floor, blood coming from you hands "Shit! (Y/N), wake up, come on doll" he said tapping your cheeks. Bucky picked you up and took you to the lab. 

"Bruce!!" he called "Bucky, is everything okay?" he asked "No, She got powers, they're green. She's must have over done it, she passed out, won't wake up" Bucky explained "Powers?" Bruce questioned as he prepped the sutures "Yeah, they were green, but like Wanda's. I don't think she wants anyone to know, she ran into the bathroom when I saw her" Bucky said. "She's stitched up and should wake up soon, you take her back to your room she'll be more comfortable" Bruce said. 

Bucky carried you upstairs, laying you down on the bed which was the one of the very few things  that was still intact. You woke up not long after, you just snuggled into Bucky, sobbing "Shhh baby, I'm here, I've got you" he said stroking your back. You mumbled things, forgetting that Bucky could completely understand what you were saying. "(Y/N), please don't go into that place. You're right here at the compound with me, and your parents and the team. You aren't a monster. You are not dangerous. Baby, try not to go there." he soothed. 

You looked up at him "You don't know what I did. You don't know who I really am" you said "Talk to me, tell me" he said. "What about showing you?" you asked "You can show me" Bucky replied. You took out the file from under your pillow, in the file was photos of you training in the red room. Photos of the experiments and logs of what they did to you. "This one you'll be very familiar with" you said taking out a piece of paper "The electrode machine, they wiped your memories. Did they make you do anything?" he asked "My last mission was to... exterminate the Avengers...I couldn't go through with it. I ran for a long time, before Nat and Bruce found me. Turns out I was Nat's daughter. Could I kill them? Yes, I could, if they got hold of me, Two words, two Russian words is all it takes" you said. "Why didn't you tell anyone?" he asked "Fear...I wake up before you most nights. Their names, they're faces etched into my mind, like a tattoo. Victims and the evil doctors. I wake up fearing that one day, if it it become so bad, I loose everything, memories, I..I then finish the mission..." you said. 

Bucky wrapped his arms around you "You always act so strong, I wish you would have said something sooner, we could have gotten Shuri to help you" he said "No, It's too far, too long" you said "It's not, She can do it" Bucky said. You cupped his face "It's not possible Buck, Dreykov, made it impossible to take out." you showed him the scar on the top of your thigh "I did that, he put a tracker in me like he does with all the girls. I just ripped it out." you said. Tears began to run down Bucky's cheeks "Bucky, it's okay. It's just something I have to live with. If I do go back and you can't get me back, please just do what you have to do, promise me you will do it" you said "No, I won't do that. I will find a way of getting you back. I don't care. I won't ever do what you're asking" he said. Your voice began to tremble "Please, it would be the only way" you said "No. Never" Bucky said. 

Steve walked in the room, he saw the both of you "You want me to go?" he asked "Stay, close the door, but stay" Bucky said "Everything okay?" he asked "Steve...I..I want you to look at those papers, read them. Under the bed there's a box, read them too. Tell no one" you said. "You want tissues before I do that?" he asked "No it's fine." Bucky replied. 

Steve began carefully reading everything, when he'd finished he looked up at you "That..No...that can't be you" he said, you nodded. "I'll take this to Wakanda there's got to be something" Steve said "There isn't" you replied "There has to be" Steve said "There isn't, Steve. I remember every single one of them, names, faces. The whole lot. How there faces looked once I meddled in their mind, once I showed them..." you stopped not being able to finish the sentence "You both stay in bed today and tomorrow, I'll bring you food and drinks. I'll tell the team that you're just a little under the weather, doesn't anyone know?" Steve asked "Bruce knows about the powers, but nothing else. Don't tell them" Bucky said "I won't" Steve replied. 

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