Stomach flu and exhaustion

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You were a 17 year old HYDRA enhanced soldier, you were often partnered with the Winter soldier, since escaping the base and being taken to the Avengers Compound and figuring out your pasts. Only thing was you were petrified of the lab and medical bay. Which wasn't the best thing for the week ahead.

It was movie night in the compound, it consisted of all the films you and Bucky had missed out on seeing through the time you'd been at HYDRA. You were curled in your usual corner of the couch with Bucky sat beside you. You lost interest very quickly which was highly concerning to the team. "(Y/N/N), any thoughts?" Nat asked as they were debating the films plot line, you just shrugged, and mumbled something that scarily sound like 'I feel ill" Bucky and Steve locked eyes, and Bruce got up and went over, you turned away from him. "Let's get you to bed, (Y/N)" Bucky said taking your hand.

He tucked you in bed, "Just ask JARVIS, if you need me" he said. You slept through the night, with only the occasional shift. When morning arrived this was then when it hit you, you started to feel unwell, more than the night before. "Miss (L/N), Dr Banner is requesting an update on how you are feeling" JARVIS' voice rang through the room "I want Bucky" you said. That was going to be the update.

To say the least Bruce was a little annoyed at the update, he went up to your room. Tony trailed behind him just incase there ended up being a code green. You saw Bruce walk towards you "I want Bucky, go find him" you said, "I asked for an update, that was all you gave me" Bruce said, you nodded "Tell me what you are feeling then I can help" Bruce said, you were now being stubborn "(Y/N)! I don't want to have to take you to the medical bay!" he said sternly. You hugged your knees to your chest "Tony, go get Bucky, tell him we have a code 6PAFB" Bruce said.

Tony went quickly, finding Bucky in the living room "Bucky, Bruce told me to tell you that we have a 6PF-A or something like that in (Y/N)'s room" he said "You mean a 6PAFB" Bucky replied racing to the elevator. 'JARVIS can this thing go any faster?" he asked "Already on it, Sergeant Barnes" JARVIS replied, the speed increased and Bucky was quickly on the fifth floor. He ran to your room.

You looked up "Bucky!" you exclaimed "I'm here, doll. What's wrong?" he asked "I don't feel good, my powers are all over the place. Tummy hurts. I'm too hot then too cold. My head hurts because of my powers. I can't stop shaking" you listed, He got under the covers with you, you nestled into him, Bruce managed to take your temperature "39 degrees" he said. An hour had passed, your symptoms had worsened, you were incredibly nauseous, Bucky stayed beside you the entire time. Steve and Thor came in to keep you company "Loki wishes to know whether she want him to come in and assist with her care" Thor said, you nodded "I will go bring him" Thor said. Steve came over he pressed his hand to your forehead "Fevers gone up." He stated "Don't feel good, head really hurts" you whined. Loki entered the room. "I'll go update Bruce" Steve said "Tell him that's she's extremely nauseous too" Bucky said.

Loki sat on the other side "(Y/N), I'm just going to cool you down, if you see blue don't panic" he said. He pulled your hair back, stroking your forehead gently while Bucky cuddled you.

Bruce wasn't surprised at the information given, he had the medbay set up ready. "Sargent Barnes and Mr Laufeyson require your assistance, Dr Banner. It appears (Y/N) is vomiting quite violently" JARVIS said. Both he and Steve ran to the elevator.

When they entered the room their hearts shattered, you were hunched over the trash can which Loki was holding, while Bucky was comfortingly rubbing your back "You're going be fine" Bucky said. You were crying and gasping for air "I don't wanna, make it stop. It hurts" you cried "Good girl, get it up. Let it all out" Loki said pushing your hair back. "(Y/N), what hurts?" Bruce asked "Everywhere." You replied. "I think we've got a case of stomach flu on our hands" Bruce said. Steve brought back the clean trash can as the team stood in the doorway "We could call on Dr Strange, see if he would come down" Nat suggested "No matter who takes her down to you know where she's still petrified and won't settle" Bucky replied.

Bucky sat you back up, you lurched forward, emptying the contents of your stomach "That's okay, keep letting it out, baby. Good girl, you being really good" Bucky soothed rubbing your lower back. After 15 minutes of on and off vomiting you finally settled down.

Dr strange entered, he checked over you, he pressed on your stomach "Okay, so if definitely the stomach flu, but because she's been over training without you noticing her immune system is weakened. Me personally I would put her on IV fluids in the Medical bay" he explained. "No! I don't wanna go there!!" You shouted, you began to shake, Bucky sat behind you, you were sat between his legs, he was holding your arms down. Dr Strange checked your pulse "You need to calm down, you pulse is racing" he said. You gagged, throwing yourself forward as all the water you'd drank came up, Loki didn't have the trash can so it was all over the bedding and your clothes. Strings of drool hung from your chin, you coughed and more came up, when you'd finally stopped, you collapsed unconscious against Bucky, he picked you up off the bed. Loki turned into his full frost giant form and began to cool you down while Steve and Nat changed the sheets. Bruce brought up the IV drip supplies "it'll be better up here" he said. He placed the iv in your arm and attached the fluids, he also gave you and injection of Anti-nausea medicine so you were able to rest peacefully. You slept for the next 25 hours.

When you woke up, Bucky gave you a smile "How are you feeling?" He asked "Still icky. I feel a little bit sick but I might be hungry" you said. Loki entered with a bowl of soup "I made you some soup, I brought back a special herb from Asgard, Frigga said it was fine for humans it will help settle your stomach" he said, he fed you while Bucky held you close. After the soup you fell asleep cuddling Bucky "Sleep well princess" Loki said "She's so peaceful" Bucky Said "I know, I brought a stock of the herb should she ever need it again, or if you or Steve need it. Me and Thor will be returning to Asgard " Loki said.

The week went by, you ate mostly soup and slept, you had stopped vomiting and your fever had broke. By Monday you were all better, you had to be constantly supervised in the training room and wasn't allowed in on your own so something as severe as this never happened again.

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