AOS - Fitz

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Fitz had found you, left in the afterlife. You were Inhuman and scared, he took you back to the jet to keep you safe, he wrapped a blanket around your shoulders. You'd both been inseparable since. 

You still slept in the containment room, as your powers were still a bit out of control. 

You woke one night, not feeling well.  You got up and wondered out of the room, you took your blanket with you. Finding the nearest bathroom. You knocked on the door "Don't come in" Daisy replied, Simmons arrived, she opened the door, Daisy was sat on the floor "Daisy, let's get you back to bed" she said. You wondered to Fitz's room. He opened the door, "Baby?" he questioned "Leo, I feel super sick" you said "Have you been to the bathroom?" he asked "It was occupied" you said "Okay, How much longer can you be okay?" he asked "Not much" you replied. "Okay, come in" he said. 

You walked into the room. Fitz laid a towel on the floor, near a wall so you could lean on it if need be. "Sit down here, if you start feeling the urge to be sick. Be sick on the towel, I don't care how much you bring up, you get everything out of your system. I'll stay with you" he said. You leant against the wall, Fitz pulled your hair away from your face, it didn't take long before you started throwing up, he rubbed your back. Simmons bursted into the room "I need your help, Daisy's body is rejecting everything" she said "Simmons, I'm dealing with (Y/N), she's being sick" Fitz replied "Sorry, I didn't see" she replied "It's okay, go ask Coulson for help, I need to get this very sick girl to bed" Fitz said "Yeah, okay. I'll have Mack bring the sick bags and a bin for them" she said. 

Fitz pulled you into a hug "You're very sick, babe. Did you feel this bad in the day?" he asked "I had a really bad tummy ache" you replied "Did you go to the toilet?" he asked "Yeah" you replied "You're suffering with a really bad tummy bug, Let's get you into bed" he said. When you were in bed, Mack came with the bags and the bin, he took the towel to the cleaned. Fitz sat on the bed, already under the covers, he laid down, spooning you, placing a bag near your chin. "I'm here darling, you just relax and let your body do the work" he said. You had a couple sips of water. 

"Fitz" you groaned "Yeah babe?" he asked "Lower tummy hurts" you replied "Do you want to go to the bathroom?" he asked "Yeah, but I think I'm gonna be sick" you said "You poor thing, lets' get you to the bathroom" he said. Once in the bathroom "Do you want me outside?' he asked, you nodded. 

After, he helped you back to the bedroom. You were walking when your stomach cramped "Gonna be sick" you said, heaving immediately after, Fitz held the bag, May walked passed "I'll get some cool cloths" she said. Fitz got you back to bed, you rested against the headboard, he gave you a fresh sick bag and dabbed your forehead with a cold cloth. Simmons came in "She's looks so ill" she said "She's got a bad stomach bug, She'll be okay" he said. "Daisy's the same, I have no idea what's caused this" Simmons said "It's bug, probably with being inhuman, its affected their immune system, and with it only being recent I can understand why they'd be this bad" Fitz replied. 

The next morning, you were sleeping against him, he felt your stomach heave in your sleep, he held a bag under your chin as you threw up completely unaware. You woke mid-vomit "Leo..." you whined "Sorry babe, I know you feel bad, You just sleep as much as you want, I can stay, we'll keep you on water - no food" he said. 

Another day went by of puking, Fitz stayed at you side. When the bug had calm down, Fitz helped you off the bed, you collapsed in his arms "You're weakened, Let's get you showered and some soup, we'll start slow and you'll learn to walk again" he said, kissing your temple. 

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