Thanksgiving disaster

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It was Thanksgiving at the Avengers Compound, you, Wanda and Vision were working on cooking, trying to get everything right and avoid any Allergies that Peter had. "I've taken everything that has Raspberries out of the picture" you said remembering the last time. Bucky and Steve entered and helped set the table "Smells good" Bucky said "Good job, it's hot in here" you said, taking off your leather jacket. "I'm going to get out of theses skinny jeans" Wanda said going to her room to get changed. You had on a black dress which Bucky bought you. Bruce and Stephen came up with something "What's all that?" you asked "Allergy meds and Epi pens" Bruce replied "Oh, yeah. I took every single recipe with raspberries out of the picture" you replied "What about Strawberries?" Bruce asked "Oh shit. Tony didn't say Pepper was coming" you said "It's fine, what has strawberries?" he asked "The tart" you replied "Okay" Bruce replied. 

Everyone arrived and sat down for dinner. You sat next to Bucky. It was time for dessert. Wanda brought the selection out "Hold on, there's one missing" you said. You brought out a tray of puddings "I found some 1940's cookbook and made some butterscotch puddings" you replied. after dessert, you all settled down on and around the couch. You were sat between Bucky's legs "Doll, you have got to make more of that pudding" he said "I'll will be doing" you replied, he kissed your cheek. 

Peter was sat between Pepper and Tony, he absentmindedly started to scratch at his arm, he noticed it was all blotchy and red, he also felt a pain in his stomach. He pushed himself up from the couch and went into the bathroom, when he took off his shirt the red patches were all over his skin. "FRIDAY, can you get someone?" he said. Stephen ran into the bathroom when Peter leaned over the toilet and heaved. Bruce, Tony and Pepper followed not long after, Bruce went to grab an Epi pen. Bucky felt you tense up "What's wrong?" he asked "Peter's having an allergic reaction" you replied getting up. You went to check all the recipes, Wanda got up and went over "(Y/N), we took all the raspberries out" she said "What if we didn't?" you said "I'm 100% sure we did" Wanda replied. Bucky got up and went over "(Y/N/N), there was no raspberries at all" he said. This didn't stop you from checking. Tony walked in with Peter in his arms, Wanda took the book away "Calm down, and go over there" she said. 

You sat on the couch with Bucky, you were bouncing your leg and picking at the skin on your hand, Bucky held your hand "(Y/N), it wasn't your fault" Nat said "How do you know?" you asked "Because, you would never do this knowingly" she replied. This didn't stop your restlessness. 

After a little while, Pepper and Bruce came upstairs "He's now allergic to sweet potatoes too" Bruce replied. You let out a breath that you didn't know you were holding "Told you" Wanda said "Told who?" Bruce asked "(Y/N) thought she'd put raspberries in something" Wanda replied "Well, you can relax now. I didn't think you'd be so effected by the last time" he said "I almost unintentionally killed him, twice now" you replied "He's still alive" Bruce said. "But seriously twice. I'm a mess" you said "He was waking up before we left go down and see him" Pepper said "I won't be too long" you said "Okay, doll." Bucky replied giving you a kiss. 

You got in the elevator and headed up to the med bay, Peter was awake, with Tony at his side. You walked in "Sorry again" you said "You don't need to apologise, not your fault, not my fault, not anyone's fault" Peter replied "You could have died" you said "You got yourself worked up again didn't you?" he asked, you didn't reply "I'll take that as a yes. Can you not do that every time I have a reaction?" he asked "I'll give it a go" you replied. "(Y/N), come in here a moment" Stephen said. 

You walked into the lab area "Sit down" Stephen said "Why?" you asked suspiciously "Let me look at your hand" he said "I'm fine" you replied "No negotiations, hand now" he said sternly. You signed, laying your hand on the table "Did you pick at the skin?" he asked, you nodded "You've taken the entire top layer off your palm, I'm going to clean it, put some special cream on then wrap it" he replied. Stephen began cleaning your hand, he kept looking at you "You're feeling no pain from this?" he asked "Not a single thing" you replied. He applied the cream and bandaged it up "Can I go now?" you asked "Yep" he replied. "Good night, Peter" you said "Good night (Y/N)" he replied. 

You went back to the living room, you sat on Bucky's lap "This bandage is new" he said "That's what you get when Dr Strange is here" you replied. "What did he tell you?" Bruce asked "I have taken the entire top layer of skin off on my palm, from picking at it. I can't help it" you said. "And you didn't feel it?" Clint questioned "Clearly not, I didn't even know" you said "Holy cow, you have a high pain tolerance" Nat said "That's what you get when your trained like we were, pain is weakness" Bucky said "Not anymore, you gotta say something, that goes for both of you" Pepper said. 

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