AOS - Fitz

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You had finally gotten back in the Quinjet, and you were on your way back home after a long, long mission. You had changed since they last saw you. You got on the coms "Can any one read?" you asked "Reading you loud and clear" Coulson replied "Agent (Y/N) (L/N), sir. I'm coming home" you said "So Glad. What do you need upon arrival?" he asked "I'm asking you to do this, put me in the quarantine pod, have Fitz and Simmons take a look at me, something doesn't feel right" you said "What do you mean?" Coulson asked "I think I'm Inhuman" you said "Okay, Fitz and Simmons will meet you in hanger" Coulson said.

The Quinjet landed in the base, Fitz and Simmons came on. You got up to greet them "You alright?" Fitz asked "Got a bit scuffed up in the final demise of what ever the hell I ended up fighting" you replied. They both held your arm and hand on either side, supporting you. They walked you directly to the lab, you gladly laid down. The team were gathered in the lab, Simmons took a blood sample, Fitz cleaned off the cuts on your face. Daisy was stood in the room, when it started to shake, everyone looked at her. "It's not me" she said.

"It's me, I'm doing this, I can't stop it and it hurts so much" you said. "We have your permission to sedate you?" Fitz said "Full permission" you replied. He injected you with the liquid, Simmons came and attached you to the monitors, as the medicine began working, "That's it, you're gonna be just fine" Fitz whispered softly. "Good news, she was right, she's inhuman, bad news, she can't control the quake" Simmons said "I can, I can just teach her how" Daisy said "Yeah, but how does she have the same power?" Fitz asked "She's my sister" Daisy said "What?!?" May exclaimed "Yes, her real last name is Johnson, always has been, she told you different because she felt that I'd hate her because she stayed with Jiaying and not me" Daisy replied.

A few months later, you were getting a hang of your powers. You sat in your room when Fitz walked in "Thought I'd come see how you were doing" he said "Fine I guess. In pain." you replied "Do you need painkiller?" he asked "It'll go in a while, glad you've come. I'm beginning to think the team like me less know because of these powers" you said "Who on the team?" he asked "Mack and Simmons" you replied "Did they anything?" he asked "Mack said I'm dangerous, he wasn't talking to me directly but I overheard him talking with Coulson as to put me in the holding cell until they can figure out what to do with and I'm beginning to think I won't ever be back in the field I kinda feel useless and I know I'm a burden anyway but they didn't need to ever make it so obvious" you spilled every thought that was running through you mind. "You don't ever need to feel like that, you have never been a burden. You will never be one. Is anything else bothering you?" He asked "maybe the fact that I don't really sleep" you replied. "I'll stay tonight then, see what happens and what I can help with" he said. 

Fitz went back to your room after finishing with Simmons in the lab. 

Over the next few hours he kept a vigilante eye on you. He noticed you started to toss and turn, he let you ride it out instead of waking you up possibly making it worse. You shot awake two hours late "(Y/N), I'm here" Fitz said softly. You scrambled for the draw in the side table. You got out a sick bag, Fitz got on the bed "Hey, feeling a bit nauseous?" he asked "I always throw up after" you replied "Let's get you down to the medical pod, see why you're throwing up" he said. 

Fitz helped you off the bed, his arm around your waist and holding the bag under your chin, on the walk you threw up. Fitz helped you on the bed, you curled up, he got out a fresh bag and placed it under your chin "The bag is here okay, use it if you need to" he said. He clipped the pulse meter to you fingers and connect the tablet to it. he covered you with a blanket, then checked your temperature "Bit high, but understandable" he said. He dampened a cloth laying on your forehead. He noticed that you were beginning to catch saliva in the bag "babes, are you feeling sick?" he asked, you nodded "okay, do you want to sit up?" he asked, you shook your head. "That's okay, do you want me to rub your back for you?" he asked, you nodded. Fitz sat on the edge of the bed, rubbing small circles on your back while you threw up, he moved your hair. 

After a little while you were breathing heavily "Are you done?" he asked "Yeah, sorry" you replied "Not a problem, I think your overworking and you caught a little bug. A few days off should do you some good, Would you like to stay here in the day then if you need help I can help you?" he asked "Please, you're the best" you said. Fitz got rid of the bag and got out the plastic bowl, placing it beside you "Get some rest, princess" he said. 

Simmons came in with a very sick looking May "What happened with (Y/N)?" Simmons asked "She had nightmare, she felt sick and threw up twice, she's got a fever and is feeling very nauseous. So she's sleeping, or rather resting. It's a bug but I want her in here with me" Fitz said "Where am I supposed to put May? She needs the room more, as she's got a very bad infection" Simmons said "If I move (Y/N), don't expect me in the lab at all." Fitz said "That'll be perfect thank you" Simmons said. 

Fitz got the wheelchair "Babes, open your eyes. I'm going to have to move you back to your room. I'll stay with you all day, I won't come in to the lab. I'm going to help you into this wheelchair and we'll bring the sick bowl and tablet then I can monitor you" he said. You just nodded, Fitz helped you into the chair, covering you with the blanket. He put the bowl on your lap and got you out of the pod. 

Daisy was on her way to the gym "(Y/N), are you not feeling well? You powers must really be messing with you, you should be in medical" Daisy said "I took her there, but Simmons wanted the room because May has an infection and is really sick, with no consideration for (Y/N), we got booted out the room so to speak" Fitz explained "Aww. I'll go to the kitchen and get some water and food for the both of you, just radio on coms if you need anything else" Daisy said. 

Over the week, you gradually got better, Fitz spending everyday taking care of you. By the end of it, Fitz and you had become so close that he began to join in when you were training and help you along when needed. May recovered by Simmons caught your bug and it was left to Mack to care for her and you and Fitz were snuggling together watching movies and having date night. 

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