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After a two month long mission, the team was finally flying home. You and Bucky were sat together. You and Bucky rested on each other. It was only a quarter way through the journey back when he began to shift "Bucky, you okay?" you whispered to not draw attention to him "I normally don't get sick, but I might be" he whispered back "As is you're going to throw up sick or just not well?" you asked "I don't know" he replied "Okay, let's just get some sleep" you said. You felt someone rest their head on your shoulder, Steve was already asleep beside you, you nestled between the two super soldiers. Neither of them looking to well.

The Quinjet pulled in to the tower. "Come on boys" you said. Steve got up, as did Bucky. When you stood up you ended up leaning on Bucky "You okay, (Y/N)?" he asked "Maybe not" you replied. All three of you went to bed, Steve earning some suspicious looks from Bruce and Tony.

During the night Steve woke up and ended up throwing up in the bathroom, Bruce immediately ran into the room "Couch now, come on" he said helping the super soldier up. You woke up and the bed felt a lot lighter, you knew were Bucky was, but was to achy to actually move. Your stomach turned, you threw up on the pillow and the sleeve of your shirt. Just as a pale Bucky walked in, he sat on the edge of the bed and you crawled over to him "I don't want to give you whatever I've got" he said "Don't worry, I just puked too" you said "Oh, doll. Want to go to the living room?" he asked, you nodded.

You changed your shirt and linked arms with him, Bruce was in the kitchen "Bucky, (Y/N), what are two doing up?" he asked "We're sick" Bucky said "How sick?" Bruce asked "We both threw up, can you strip the bed I kinda threw up on the pillow" you replied "Yeah, sure. You both go lie down, I'll bring some blankets in a minute" he said. You and Bucky laid on the L-shaped couch together. Bruce covered you both with the blanket.

The rest of the team came up for breakfast later that morning "Where's the Army trio at?" Tony asked "On the couches asleep" Bruce replied "What bloody time did they wake up at?" Clint asked "Steve was 2am, (Y/N) and Bucky 4am" Bruce replied. "Reasons why?" Nat asked. "They are sick, like actually sick. All three have medium grade fevers and have been sick" Bruce explained "Never in a million years did I ever think I'd see the day where they are ill" Tony said.

The morning went by, you and Bucky hadn't even woken up once. "FRIDAY, What is (Y/N) and Bucky's temperatures?" Bruce asked "They are currently at 103.7" FRIDAY replied. "Fantastic, Ask Clint to get up here and Tony please" he said. "Bucky, (Y/N) wake up, please" Bruce shock your shoulders, Bucky immediately woke up "Why?" he whined "What do you want?" you whined "We're going to get you to your bed, Clint is coming to carry (Y/N), me and Tony will help you, Bucky" Bruce asked "I can walk myself" Bucky said "Me too" you added "You both can barely keep your eyes open for a few seconds, so you can't" Bruce said. Tony and Clint came up "Clint pick (Y/N) up, Tony help me with Bucky" Bruce said.

They took you both to your room, Clint laid you down, you got off the bed and ran to the bathroom "I'll go" he said. Tony handed Bucky the bin from under the desk "You two are a right pair" he said. Clint brought you back in and laid you down, you were asleep instantly. Bucky curled up beside you "What have they got, seriously they are almost too sick to be super soldiers" Tony said "It must be something they caught on the mission, to be honest, Steve is the same, he's already thrown up about 4 times today and it's only 1pm" Bruce said. Clint brought out two cool cloths "This should bring down their fevers, I'll stay in here to keep and eye on them" he said laying them on both your foreheads.

Hours passed, you both slept, Bruce came in to check up on the both of you "Anything?" he asked "Nothing, they've been out since you left. Something isn't right" Clint replied "I know" Bruce said. He checked your pulse, "Bruce?" Clint questioned "It's a little higher than I want it to be" he said. He placed his hand on your stomach, and gently pressed on it. You started to wake up "Stop" you whined "(Y/N), does it hurt when I do that?" Bruce asked "Yes and I'm gonna puke" you replied. Clint handed you the bin "Did you get hurt on the mission?" he asked. You nodded, and lifted your shirt "Why didn't you say anything?" Bruce asked "I fixed it myself" you said "To hell you didn't. That's why you're sick. It's all infected" Bruce said "Oh" you shrugged and laid back down.

Bucky woke up "What's all the commotion?" he asked "Figured out why (Y/N)'s sick. I want the truth and now, Did you get hurt on the mission, if yes, where and show me" Bruce asked. Bucky looked guilty "Show me!" Bruce said. Bucky rolled up his sleeve, "Let me guess, you didn't say anything because you fixed it yourself. Now it's infected and you're sick" Bruce said, Bucky nodded lightly. Bruce sighed "Okay, I'll get the first aid kit, saline fluid, fresh stitches and IV Antibiotics" he left the room with Clint

You heard the word IV and began to freak out "No, I don't want it" you said. Bucky looked down at you "Doll, come here" he said. You snuggled close "It's okay, I'm here. I have to have it too" he stroked your hair "I don't like them. They remind me..." you started "I know, I know they do." he said. Bruce and Clint came back and began the process.

The next day, Steve was better, Bruce said he caught a bug from the mission. He came in to your's and Bucky's room to see how both of you were doing. Bucky was asleep, he saw you picking at the plaster on the IV "Hey, (Y/N). Don't pull it out, it's okay" he said stopping you "Don't like it' you said "I know. Stay calm" he said. Your breathing became uneven "(Y/N), focus on my voice. This is medicine to help you." he said. "Take it out! Take it out!" you cried. "You're going to make yourself sick, close your eyes" he said. Steve took your hand which had the IV in, and held it, he began to tell you stories to calm you. You eventually fell asleep.

Bucky woke to hearing Steve's voice "Hey Steve" he said "Hey Bucky, I'm going to have a serious conversation with you both when you're better" he said "Okay" Bucky replied, "Need anything whilst she's asleep?" he asked "A drink and can you sneak something to eat in? Bruce might not permit it" he said "Yes, He's in the lab anyway and I asked the cameras to be turned off in here so no one will know" Steve replied.

Steve came back from the kitchen with two drinks and crackers to share between the both of you. After a few days of Steve taking care of the both of you, he had the serious conversation and now you both were being forced to be checked after every mission by him for injuries but at least you both were now better and the wounds had healed.

Marvel Imagines part 2Where stories live. Discover now