The SHIELD Experiment

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You were locked in an office at the CIA and to say the least in a pretty bad mood. You almost attacked both Nat and Tony, Steve held you back. Tony came in again, "I swear to God, Get out!" you yelled "No can do" he said. You lunged for him, Steve held you back again "(Y/N), you've got to stop" he said "No! I will kill him!" you yelled, you tried fighting your way out. 

Bucky turned into the Winter soldier, you were the first out of the room, you held the Doctor against the wall and punched him, until your knuckles bled. You found out Bucky was downstairs, so you ran. You saw Tony use the waves of high frequency, you ran between the wave and Bucky, your head began to hurt from the frequency, Sam took him away. Bucky had gone to the helicopter and Nat went for you. "You can't match me" she said "I can, you just don't know" you said. Nat eventually tasered you with the stingers, Sam picked you up and left the building. He found the warehouse and took you to it. 

Sam laid you on the floor "Sam, What happened?" Steve asked "Nat carries the stingers with her. She got beat up pretty bad" he replied. Bucky started waking up, "It's all there, Whatever HYDRA put in me its all there. All you have to do is say those goddamn words" he said. "What did the doctor want?" Steve asked "He wanted to know about Siberia where I was kept. I wasn't the only winter soldier" Bucky replied. You started to wake up "Oww! Those things hurt" you whined, you attempted to get up "Never mind, I'll just lay here" you said. 

"What about these other Winter soldiers?" Sam asked "They are HYDRA's elite death squad, more kills than anyone in HYDRA history, they speak 30 languages, hid in plain site, impossible to find. They do the job and get out unnoticed" Bucky replied. Steve unclamped Bucky's arm, Sam went to help you up "You can leave me" you said, Bucky picked you up "How about not? You and me need to talk" he said, "You're not wrong" Steve said. 

You all got in a getaway car, "(Y/N), you've got to be honest, what are you?" Steve asked "A Human" you replied "I mean, you've got quite the temper and will to kill, What happened in there?" Steve asked 

"I fought in someone else's war" you replied. 

"What is that supposed to mean?" Sam asked, "I'm not who Fury said I am" you replied "Stop being Bloody cryptic" Sam said "Give me a second, Wilson! It's hard to talk about!" you yelled "Woah, okay calm down" Sam said. "I..was their Experiment, I should never been taken out of Cryo" you said "SHIELD's Experiment?" Steve questioned "No, the queen of Englands" you said sarcastically "They experimented on people?" Sam asked "Yes, while HYDRA have their own Super-soldier. So does SHIELD, in the form of me" you said "You're like me?" Bucky said "Pretty much, highly trained, skilled Marksman, Killed more enemies of Shield than Avengers have civilians" you replied "Why didn't you tell us?" Steve asked "Forbidden. I fought during the second world war, Cold War and the Korean War, helped Peggy. Then was frozen. I took the Serum on a whim. I saw what it did for you and craved that idea of having strength. I'm so sorry, I should go back with the CIA and be in-prisoned in the raft. You hand me over" you said. "We're not handing you over' Steve said. 

Steve collected the items form Sharon. You all drove to the airport. You got out of the car, Bucky stood next to you. You turned around and hugged him, sobbing on his shoulder. Clint and Wanda got out of the van "(Y/N), you good?" Clint asked, you gave him a thumbs up but continued sobbing "(Y/N), It's okay, you're not going to the raft. You're safe with us" Bucky soothed. Someone spoke over the speaker "They're evacuating the Airport" Bucky said. "Stark, everyone suit up" Steve said. You got changed beside Wanda "Everything okay?" she asked "Yeah, just a little emotional and sore" you replied "It's gonna be just fine" she replied "How can you be so sure?" you asked "Don't worry" she said. 

You all headed out to the battle field. Steve gave you the knives "No stabbing" he said "I can't make any promises" you whispered looking down "Hang by Bucky, he'll stop you" Steve said. "A kid, shit, he's brought a kid" you said under your breath.  You went after T'Challa, not expecting him to be as strong as he was. He scratched you with the claws on your cheek, Bucky began to fight him, then Wanda sent him flying across the airport. Bucky looked over the wounds "Those are gonna scar" he said "Let's just keep going" you said. 

The Kid came after you, "Woah,  nice scars" he said as he webbed you up "Names Spiderman" he added "I don't give one. What the hell is this stuff?" you said cutting through it with the knives. "Mr Stark just said web you all up so I am" he replied before speeding off. You helped Clint with Nat, until you got hit by the stinger again. Nat ran to the hanger "(Y/N), hey, come on" Clint said trying to wake you "Ow!" you whined, he helped you up. You ran with Steve and Bucky to get to the hanger. "That guy's probably in Siberia by now" Bucky said. 

Once on to the jet, Steve got it in the air. You sat down in the seat while Bucky sat in the other on behind Steve. He set it on Autopilot once he knew it was safe. "I could've killed him" you said outloud "Killed who?" Steve asked "Spiderman, he could've died and it would have been me" you said "You need to stop blaming yourself, that goes for both of you" Steve said. Bucky noticed the blood trickling down your neck from the scratches "You're loosing to much blood" he said getting up, he grabbed the gauze pads from the shelf of supplies. He cupped you face, applying pressure over the wounds, you put your hand over his "Look at you trying to save me" you said "Well, you've lived this long, you need a life this time" he said. They'd stopped bleeding finally, he took the gauze away. Steve landed in Siberia. 

Walking through the cryo chambers with Tony, "They died in their sleep" Zemo said, you looked at them all "Not helping" you said, "Helping what?" Bucky asked "Just not helping with the burden" you said. Zemo played a video of the Mission Report he was after. Tony's Parents death. You watched on, half way through you turned around not wanting to watch anymore "You okay?" Bucky asked "Yeah, just don't want to watch something that reminds me of what I've done" you replied. The recording stopped playing, you picked up on the fear from Bucky so turned around. Tony went for him but Steve stopped him. 

The whole thing lead into a fight. Zemo had gotten what he wanted, the Avengers to tear themselves apart, just in ways he didn't expect. T'Challa had found, you Steve and Bucky. He helped Bucky on the jet, Steve carried you. You were unconscious, Steve laid you on the ground, He put a gauze pad over your head wound taping it in place T'Challa did the same for Bucky, your arm was torn to shreds, he used the last of the gauze pads on your arm. "I will take you to Wakanda, we can treat them there" T'Challa said. 

Arriving in Wakanda, the medical crew had been expecting both you and Bucky. Steve laid you on the bed they brought out. Once in the facility, they gave you and Bucky IV fluids and cleaned up all wounds, leaving the one on your arm for Shuri. You woke up and panicked, you saw the IV and all the wires "No, no, no. I can't move my arm" you cried. The nurse looked at the monitors and saw your heart rate spiking, they informed Steve. He went in the room "(Y/N), listen, you're safe, Bucky's safe. You're hurt. relax" he said "My arm, I can't move it' you said "I know, that's why you're here in Wakanda. Sorry for those scars" T'Challa said as he came to help calm you down "You're heart rate is high, we need you to breathe, so let me hold the mask, you take deep breathes of the oxygen and you'll be okay" he said. 

A few minutes you'd calmed down. Bucky had gone back under cryo. Shuri came to see you "Agent (L/N), I've been told of your condition. Captain Rogers explained you are like Sargent Barnes, I'm soon figuring out a way of extracting the control, are you willing to explain more about your experience?" she asked "Princess Shuri, mine can't be removed. That was the first thing they explained to me all those years ago when they put it in. I'm the most highly advanced solider in this century" you replied. "I apologise for pressing further into the past, I'm going to take a look at your arm, at least there will be something I can do" she replied. Shuri checked your arm "No feeling, No movement?" she questioned "Yeah" you replied "Agent, I will have to amputate but I can give you a replacement, Sargent Barnes is also going to be having this procedure, tomorrow I will amputate then give you the option of Cryo and I will perform the surgeries for prosthetics at the same time" Shuri said "I'll take the cryo, I can't keep myself controlled without him around" you said "Okay, the tube will be prepped and ready after your first surgery" Shuri said. 

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