Long mission.

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Normally, you'd be the one took cook, but you were sent on a two month long undercover mission after the fight with Chitauri. Steve told you he'd be the one cooking, but he left it with Nat for the day. Instead of adding her special spice, she had accidentally put in a dash of her Russian poison. 

By the next day, Nat, Bruce, Tony and Loki had found themselves extremely sick. You were also due back, Thor and Clint began to care for the sick team. Steve was worried about you, you were an hour late. He went upstairs "still no sign of her?" Clint asked "No" Steve replied "Sign of who?" Bruce asked "(Y/N), she's an hour late" Clint replied. This made everyone jump up "Lie down!" Thor ordered. Another hour went by, "Miss (L/N) has arrived, she appears to be throwing up" JARVIS said. 

Steve got up and ran down to the hangar, JARVIS was right. He rushed to you and raked back your hair which was already clumped together, your skin was blotchy. "(Y/N), it's okay, just breathe" he said. When you threw up for a second time almost immediately after the first, Steve knew something serious was wrong, you collapsing on the floor only worried him further. Clint came down "She's worse than them." he said "Can you clean up, I'm going to take her to the med-bay and sort her out" Steve said "Sure thing, Thor's handling everything upstairs" Clint said. 

Steve carried you to the medical room, he laid you on a bed and gathered everything he could possibly need. "(Y/N), open your eyes for me" he said, you looked up at him "Steve?" you questioned "Yeah, hi. Did you treat any wounds?" he asked "No, didn't have the time. What happened?" you replied. "You vomited twice and collapsed" he replied. Steve cleaned every wound he saw. He got to the one of your arm which was surround by green and yellow scabbed pus and dried blood. You shivered, you skin was deathly pale and had a light sheen of sweat. Steve attached the heart monitor and checked your temperature, he dampened the cloth with cold water and laid it on your forehead. He began to treat the infected wound, by cleaning and flushing it out. Thor had come down "Do you want me to take Lady (Y/N), to Asgard for treatment?" he asked "I think the infection will be too far for that, Thor. But you can go grab a trash can" Steve said "Okay" Thor replied. 

"Mr Odinson, Mr Barton requires your assistance with your brother" JARVIS said. Thor headed back upstairs after handing the trash can over to Steve. 

Steve sat the bed up and, put the trash can in your lap. He pulled your hair back, "You're okay, you've got an infection, I'll give you a drip of antibiotics and fluids." he said. You whined "Shhh, sweetheart, I'm here. You just get it all out" he said. Once you finished, he put the trash can on the floor and laid you down a little, wiping your lips. Steve finished bandaging your arm and then inserted the IV and began the Antibiotics. He cleaned the Trash can and brought it back. 

You started crying "What wrong?" he asked "It hurts...they tried to kill me" you said "It's okay, you're home. They won't come for you. Will you feel safer if I laid with you?" he asked, you nodded, tears streaming down your cheeks. Steve got in the bed beside you, you cuddled up to him. You rested your arm on his torso "Breathe, close your eyes. You can sleep, I will protect you, I'll be here if your get sick or get scared" he said. You began to settle down, and eventually fell asleep.

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