Disaster Mission

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You had been on a mission with Clint, never did you imagine it going to terribly wrong. You never imagined that one day you'd be flying home with one of best friends dead. You were covered head to toe in blood, a mix of his and yours. You didn't tell the team that you were on your way back. You landed safely in the hangar.

You picked him up off the floor and carried him to the medical bay. Bruce and Dr Strange were there "Go get the rest of the team now" you said. You laid Clint down on the bed, Bruce came over to check him "Don't bother, he's already gone" you said. Dr Strange had brought the rest of the team down, everyone looked at you "I'm really really sorry, Clint was shot down, he's gone" you said. Nat walked in to the room sitting by Clint "I'll tell Laura and the kids" Tony said. You exited the room leaving Nat in there with Bruce.

You sat down at the desk, Bucky came over and put his arms around you "Hey, sweetheart. This wasn't your fault" he said "He had a wife and children, he'll never get to see Nathanial grow up" you said "You've got a family, with us. Plus we're getting married soon" he said. Tony came back down "They're on the way now" he said. Bruce walked Nat out of the room "I'll take her to bed, take care of her" he said. Steve, Wanda, Vision and Tony were sat around you, Pepper entered carrying Morgan "I heard about what happened, I really sorry (Y/N), I know how much he meant to you" she said "Thanks Pepper." you replied "I told Bruce I'd take care of Nat, Laura will need him" she said. 

You started to feel unwell "Can someone get a sick bowl?" you asked "Sure, yeah" Tony replied. "Strange over here" Steve called, Tony held the bowl and you threw up "(Y/N), breathe. You're going to be fine" Dr Strange said "Do you want me to rub your back?" Bucky asked, you nodded, Bucky rubbed your lower back "You're doing really well, just let it out, sweetheart" he said. When you'd stopped, Bruce had come back "Oh dear god. I'll set up the bed" he said. Bucky kept tight hold of you "She's drenched in blood and sweat, some of It I bet is hers. We need to clean her up" Strange said. "Wanda, go upstairs and get her some pants and a shirt, please" Bucky said "Sure thing" she replied. You passed out in Bucky's arm "Strange, she's out" Bucky said. "Lay her on the bed, I'll clean her up and close any wounds I find" he replied. 

Strange and Bruce began checking you over and attaching you to the monitors "Stable Vitals, that's a good sign" Bruce said "Let's hope they stay that way" Strange replied. After all the wounds were stitched up, Bucky and Steve got you changed, Strange put you on IV antibiotics and fluids, he also put you on oxygen as a precaution. Bucky sat by you holding your hand. Sam and Peter ran into the room "We got here as soon as we heard" Sam said. Laura and her children entered "Hello Mrs Barton. We are terribly sorry about your husband" Steve said "He knew what he was getting into" Laura replied sadly "Still, our condolences to you and the children" Tony said. They went into the room to pay their respects. An hour passed, before they came out. 

"Where's (Y/N), I would like to see her. It's nothing terrible, I just don't want her to think I blame her for his death" Laura asked "She's just in the other room, I don't think she's come around yet" Bruce replied "Can someone watch the kids?" she asked "Gladly" Wanda replied. Laura walked into the room where you were, Bucky was sat beside you "Hi, James" she said "Hi" he replied. Laura pulled up a chair "How's she doing?" she asked "Not too good. She was injured too." he replied. Bucky noticed that your heart rate had gone up "Is this normal?" Laura asked "Sure is. Can you come over here and hold her hand?" he asked "Sure" she replied. Laura held your hand "(Y/N), You're having a bad dream, It's happening in your head. You're safe at the compound" Bucky said. You shot awake "Doll, okay, lay back down. You're okay. Take it easy" Bucky said "That's it Hun, just lay back. Nothing can hurt you" Laura said. You looked up at her "Hey, (Y/N). I just wanted to talk to you. Listen closely, I don't blame you, I will never blame you ever. This was not your fault, Clint knew what this job could entail, he knew that something like this could happen as I am sure you do too. Yes, it hurts to know that he's not with us, I didn't just loose my husband, nor did the kids just loose their Dad. You lost your best friend, and one of many mentors. So, you need to work on getting yourself better and healed up physically, I wouldn't want James to loose his soon to be wife" she said, tears rolled down your cheeks as she spoke "I'll see you soon, (Y/N)" she said. 

Bucky sat down next to your again, he wiped your tears "See, you go back to sleep. I'll be here when you wake up" he said.  

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