Battle for Sokovia

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After spending hours chasing down Ultron and finding him Sokovia planing to drop the entire city, you spent the whole battle running around trying to get others to safety like the whole team was. You'd spotted people trapped in a car, you went to save them, you got the adults out and went in the back for the children "Be careful, honey. I don't want you injuring yourself" the mother said "Madam, don't worry about me. This is my job" you said. You moved all the glass out of the way, you got the baby boy out first and handed him over to the mother, next was the girl she must have been about three. One of the bots was coming closer, you pulled out your gun and shot at it, forgetting you can't shoot metal, you got the girl out and handed her to the father "You get out of here, there's a helicarrier down there, you'll see Captain America, he'll help you" you said "Thank you so much" the father said "Just doing my job" you replied. 

You went for this bot, in close combat. You kicked and punched at it, it had thrown you backwards in the car, you fell on all the glass, sharp pieces stabbing you in various places "Anyone, Come in" you said through coms "I can hear you, (Y/N). Do you need help?" Tony asked "Yes, I'm out of the battle, come get me. I'm in a car, there's a bot outside I can't fight it" you replied "On the way, I'm bringing back up" Tony replied. 

Tony arrived along with Clint and Bucky, he hit the bot with his repulsers. Bucky pulled the door off the car, he and Clint pulled you out gently, they dusted the glass off your back, there was rips in your suit. Bucky picked you up "I'm gonna go grab the twins, I'll meet you there" Clint said. Bucky carried you back to the helicarrier and straight onto it, Steve came on "We need a medic" he said, one came over as Bucky sat you on the seat, everyone was officially on the helicarrier apart from Bruce who'd disappeared. The medic could only cover your wounds with gauze "I'll take care of them when were back at the compound" Bucky said. 

After relocating Sokvian people, it was time to get back to the compound. Bucky took you to the medical bay and you sat on the bed while he went to get you a shirt and pants. You took the top half of your suit off, you back coated in cuts, some with glass in them and some without, he sat behind you, he dressed the ones at the top of your back, he pulled the glass pieces out with tweezers and stitched them up, he cleaned the ones on your stomach and wrapped a bandaged around it. He treated the ones on your arms and the one on your head. You put the shirt on before taking the bottom half of your suit off, there was no cuts on your legs, you put the pants on then he treated the cuts on your hand, stitching and bandaging them up. "You'll be left with plenty of scars, I'm sorry about that" he said "You don't need to be sorry. At least I'm alive" you said True, I feel sorry for Wanda, she's lost her brother" Bucky said "What, the speedster?" you asked "Yeah, he died protecting Clint, he saw a kid and went for them and Ultron attempted  to kill him but Pietro got in the way of the bullets" Bucky replied "I must have spaced out" you said "You okay?" Bucky asked "yeah, he was just so young" you replied "Come on, let's go have a drink or two" he said helping you off the bed. 

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