Not a genius

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You were Tony's only daughter, this meant there were expectations for you being a genius. You went to the same school as Peter. You became completely overwhelmed with all the work, you were currently sat at your desk trying to figure out some calculations for physics, you were really struggling with it. You went to the training room to find someone other than your Dad. 

Steve and Bucky were spotting each other while lifting weights. Bucky was on the bench, after finishing a set. You went over and laid on top of him "Hey little Stark" he said "Hi" you sighed "Kid, are you okay?" Steve asked, you shook you're head. "Do you want to do anything with us?" Bucky asked "Cuddle" you replied. Steve picked you up, "You know you're burning up, right?" he asked "I'm cold" you said. They took you back upstairs, Tony was in the living room "(Y/N), have you finished your work?" he asked, you shook your head "Go finish it, please" Tony said. "Tony, she's burning up" Steve said "Work still needs to be done, she'll be fine" he replied. You headed back to your room. 

Once you could be sure, your Dad had gone to the lab. You left your room. Steve and Bucky were sat on the couch in the living room, you rested your head on Bucky's metal arm "Everything is too much, Bucky. I'm not a genius" you cried "What's too much? School?" Bucky asked, you nodded. Clint came upstairs "Peter's with Tony. I didn't see (Y/N), being honest I've not seen her for days" he said "She's over here, Clint" Steve said. Clint came over "Hey, oh, kid what's wrong?" he asked "Overwhelmed, I'm not like Tony or Peter. I'm not a genius" you replied. "No school for a week, I don't care what your Dad says, I'll ring them myself' Clint said, as he kissed your forehead. You fell asleep, and stayed asleep during dinner. 

When Steve and Bucky came back, they noticed you were several shades paler than when they left, you woke and instantly threw up. Steve grabbed a plastic bag, you heaved "You're doing okay, just let it come up" Bucky said rubbing your back.  After around 20 minutes, you fully collapsed on Bucky, Steve wiped your lips "JARVIS, What's (Y/N)'s temperature?" he asked "103.9, high grade fever" JARVIS replied. Bucky carried you to your room and got you cleaned up and changed, while Steve cleaned off the couch. Bucky laid you down in your bed, Steve came in "She's exhausted, can't lift her own head up." Bucky said "Poor thing, I'll go get some IV Fluids and Vitamins, some extra meds incase they're needed" Steve said. Bucky went into the bathroom, brought out a bowl of cool water and a cloth. 

Nat came back helping Steve to carry everything, Bucky had just re-dampened the cloth and was laying it on your forehead. "I've never see her look like that. You don't think she's overdoing it, do you?" she asked "She's been struggling with everything for a while, she told us early before she took a long nap" Steve said. After setting everything up, Steve and Bucky stayed with you. 

A week went by, after fully recovering, you came home from school, put your bag in your room and went to the living room. You laid down on the couch curled up. Peter came in "(Y/N), don't worry about it, it's only a grade" he said "Go away Peter!" you shouted "I'm going" he said. Tony came in "(Y/N), what's this grade about?" he asked "Don't want to talk about it" you said "How on earth, did you fail?" he asked "I said I didn't want to talk about it Dad, leave me alone" you replied. Tony left you. You ended up crying yourself to sleep. You must have slept right through Dinner again. 

"(Y/N), wake up. Angel cakes, wake up for Bucky" he said shaking your shoulders, you opened your eyes, they were red and puffy "Feeling okay?" he asked "Fine" you replied "You slept right through dinner again, want anything to eat?" he asked "Not hungry" you replied. You sat up and hugged him, "What's going on?" he asked "I..I..f....f...failed" you stuttered "That doesn't define you" he said "It does. To them, I'm Tony Stark's stupid daughter" you cried "You are not stupid, (Y/N)" Bucky said, he rubbed your back and you flinched at his touch. "Did that hurt?" he asked, you nodded. Steve came in "Where's our sweet angel?" he asked, he saw you clinging to Bucky "She's not sick again?" he asked "No, I need you to hold her, facing you" Bucky said. You hugged Steve, he stroked your hair "I've got you" he whispered. Bucky lifted the back of your shirt up "You've got to be shitting me" he exclaimed "What is it, Buck?" Steve asked "I'm just going to run down to medical, I'll be back in a bit" Bucky said. 

Bucky came back with a box of things, Steve pulled your shirt back up "she's sleeping" Steve said. "I'm pulling her out of that school" Bucky said as he cleaning the wound on your back "What are you seeing?" Steve asked. Bucky took a photo of it and showed it Steve "Jesus Christ!" he exclaimed, once the wound was clean, Bucky began to stitch it up, you woke up "Shhh, shhh, It'll be over soon" Steve soothed. Bucky then used the large gauze pads to cushion the bruising and put dressings around the edges to stick them down. He tidied up. 

Everyone came upstairs, you were sat on Steve's lap but your head was resting on Bucky. Clint looked worried, "What's wrong with my daughter this time?" Tony asked "I've just had to stitch a wound going down the length of her back, she also thinks that she's stupid when she's not" Bucky replied "She did fail the test" Tony said "So?" Steve questioned "Don't tell me the great Captain America failed in school?" Tony said "I did, I dropped out of high school, Steve didn't even go, I taught him the important stuff" Bucky replied. Everyone was silent in shock, Clint came over to you "What do you want to do, you can drop out of high school, we are more than capable between us to teach you" Clint said. "I want to do that...I can't keep getting beaten up by Flash and not having enough time to sleep" you replied "It's settled then, from this point onwards (Y/N) Stark, no longer goes to school" Clint said. 

Bucky carried you to your room, he laid you down "Bucky, can you stay with me?" you asked "Sure, Angel" he replied, he got under the cover "Is there anything else?" he asked "I...I get nightmares, I didn't want to tell Dad, they really scare me. Some nights I don't sleep at all." you replied, Bucky smiled sympathetically "I understand. What are these Nightmares about?" he said "They're usually about...the time when he went into the worm hole...or you being captured by HYDRA again...or Something about Steve, really just anything happening to anyone on the team" you said "We are all safe here, you're safe here. HYDRA won't get to me, Steve is okay, you get some sleep, I'll be right beside you all night" Bucky said. 

The next morning, you woke up. Bucky wasn't beside you, you started to panic. He walked into the room with mug of tea, he saw you panicked expression "Hey, you're okay, was it a nightmare?" he asked "no, you weren't there..I thought they got you" you explained "Sorry about that. I made you some tea" he said. 

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