Tony Stark

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Tony had asked you to come down to his lab. You entered finding him laying shirtless on a bed with monitors "Show me your hands" he asked, you held them up "What the hell?" you asked "Small, okay good. Come here" he said. You walked over to him, he showed the arc reactor "This keeps you alive?" you asked "Yep, but I'm swapping it out for an upgrade so I need you're help" he said, taking out the old one, he handed it to you "What am I supposed to do with it?" you asked "Put it on the table, it's irrelevant" he said. 

You placed it on the table "Put your hand in there and reach for the copper wire, make sure it doesn't touch the shell" he said "Tony!" you exclaimed "yes?" he asked "I can't do that, i..I'm not qualified" you replied "You are the most qualified person here" he said. You reached into the cavity "Ewww, it's wet" you said not looking "That's not coming from me" he said. You pulled the wire up, he screamed when it hit the side "Shit" you said "Pull it out, don't yank" he said. You pulled it out as gently as possible. The machine beeped frantically "What have I done?" you asked "I'm just going into cardiac arrest, its fine" he said. You put the magnet on the table "It's fine, I'll make this fine" you said "Now, put this in" he handed you the new one. You plugged it in, and the monitors went back to normal.

You pulled your hand out and let him do the rest, you stared at the liquid "You okay?" you asked "Yeah, fine. You?" he asked "I..I don't know" you replied "You did great" he said "Don't ask me to do that again" you said. "(Y/N), come here" he said, you walked over "Look at me, not your hand, at me" he said. Tony got up "(Y/N), I need you tell me you're fine" he said "It's on my hand" you said "Yeah, you're not fine" he said. He laid you on the bed and put the monitors on you, wiping your hand with a towel, "What do you need?" he asked "Water, please" you replied. He came back fairly quickly and put a shirt on, you drank a few sips of water "You're heart rate is high, you should stay here, definitely don't move" he said. Pepper walked in "Oh hi, (Y/N), are you okay?" she asked "She changed the arc reactor, she's having a few issues" Tony replied. "Mr Stark, she's unconscious" Pepper said "Oh boy" he said. 

You stirred a few minutes later "Tony?" you questioned "You're awake, good. Nothing to worry about, sweetheart. You just lost consciousness" he said, "Oh, can I take the rest of today off?" you asked "Yes, let me walk you up to your room" Tony said. He helped you off the bed and in the elevator, once you were tucked in he kissed your forehead "You'll never have to do that again" he said "JARVIS let me know if she needs me" he said "Of course Sir" JARVIS replied. 

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