Family Road Trip

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Steve was driving the car, Stephen was in passenger seat beside him. Tony and Peter in the middle row and you and Bucky at the back. It was Tony's idea for this double family road trip to DC for a music festival. Steve chose the music which was old 40's song, you enjoyed them. But everyone other than you and Bucky complained about them so Stephen ended up changing to the generic radio for the drive. It was two hours into the drive When Peter got a headache, he told Tony about it "Pete, did you take the sickness medicine?" Stephen asked "I think so, Dad" Peter replied "Okay, just let me know if we have to pull over. I don't mind" Steve said. 

Bucky watch you take the medicine that morning, the one thing you did inherit from little Steve was the terrible motion sickness. He brought extras incase they were needed. You decided to take a nap as you packed the night before and didn't finish till it was time to get up. You felt the car pull over as you got comfortable. "Anyone want anything, while we're here?" Steve asked "Get some bottles of water" Tony said "You know those ginger biscuits, (Y/N) likes, get some of them for the hotel, she'll want them when we get there" Bucky said "Is she asleep?" Steve asked "Yep, Did you not hear her packing at 6am?" Bucky said. Peter and Tony came back from the bathroom, "I can confirm he didn't take the medicine" Tony said. "Great, he won't be able to take any now" Stephen said. Steve came back, handing the biscuits to Bucky and two water bottles and gave the other ones to Tony. He went into the boot and brought out a tub with a packet of tissues "When did you have that in here?" Tony asked "I have three in the back, (Y/N)'s sometimes needs them" Steve replied. 

It was about four hours into the drive with should have been three hours and 45 minutes. You woke up from your nap and your stomach felt like high seas. "Papa, I think the tablets worn off" you said "Do you think you can take one or not?" he asked "I don't think so." you replied. You coughed, with a dry retch "I'm pulling over. (Y/N), Kitten, just hang on" Steve said. When he pulled over, you got out and vomited on the floor, Bucky rubbed your back "It's okay. Get it all up" he said pulling your hair back. Steve got out and got another tub along with more tissues. Once you'd finished, you sat back in the car, Bucky gave you some water a little bit at a time. Steve carried on driving. 

Peter threw up again, you tried to block out the sound, it wasn't working. Stephen was concerned about Peter "Pete, are you okay? This is just motion sickness isn't it?" he asked "I'm sure, Dad, it's just bad" he replied. You were tracing patterns on Bucky's metal arm to distract yourself "Is everything okay in the back?" Stephen asked "Yes, but it's probably going to change" Bucky replied "Is she doing the thing?" Steve asked "Yep" Bucky replied. "What's this thing, Rogers?" Tony asked curiously "She drinks like a whole bottle of water to suppress the feeling then it all comes up within a few seconds of her drinking it" Steve explained. Bucky took the water from you "Let's not do that, Kitten. You know what will happen" he said. 

It wasn't long before you grabbed the tub, Bucky stroked your hair back "It's okay, we're nearly there, then you can some ginger biscuits to help settle your stomach" he said. When you stopped Bucky gave you a few small sips of water, Steve pulled into the hotel car park. Tony carried a sleeping Peter inside, Stephen cleaned out the tubs and but them in the trunk. You got out of the car, Steve got out the suitcases, you pulled yours along while nibbling on a biscuit. You and Bucky stood by Steve as the hotel workers took your suitcases, once checked in you all headed to the room, taking the stairs as to not upset your stomach further. 

After eating some more of the biscuits, you settled down enough to have a drink of tea and a small meal. You had a shower and went to bed "Love you Dads" you said "Love you too, this won't happen on the way back" Steve said, they both kissed your cheeks. 

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