Chicken pox

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You were supposed to be training with Steve that morning but you woke up with red spots all over your body. You took a shower and put on some loose clothes and headed down to the training room. You went up to Steve "You're going back to bed" he said instantly "What, why?" you asked "You've got chicken pox" he said, "have not" you replied scratching your arm. "What did you have for breakfast then?" he asked "I didn't have an appetite" you replied "Bed now" he said. You reluctantly turned around, Steve put his arm around your shoulder and guided you back up stairs.

He took you to your bedroom "I want to be in the living room" you whined "I don't know if everyone has had Chicken pox and it contagious" he replied "But, I'm going to be on my own" you said "You won't be, I'm just getting you some water, then I'll get a damp cloth to bring down the fever and some painkillers" he said. You sat on the edge of the bed to wait for him.

Steve came back soon after, he tucked you in bed after you drank half the water and took the medicine, he sat on the bed, laid the cloth on your forehead and began reading a book while you drifted off to sleep. A few hours later, he noticed you were continuously scratching "(Y/N), I know it's itchy but you've got to stop" he said "Too itchy" you said "FRIDAY ask Wanda to bring the calamine lotion to (Y/N)'s room" Steve said "Certainly" FRIDAY replied. Steve put his book on the bedside table and intwined his fingers with yours to stop you scratching.

Wanda came up with the lotion.

Steve put it all over your skin "that should stop the itching, do you want anything to eat?" He said "No" you replied "You do need to eat" he said "I'm just not hungry" you said. "How about if I get you a small snack?" He asked "I've got no appetite, nothing is appealing to me" you replied " not even your favourite soup?" Steve questioned "No, not even that" you replied "God you really are not yourself" he said. You looked up at him with sad puppy eyes, Steve saw your eyes fill with tears "(Y/N/N), don't cry, I won't be a second okay" he said, you nodded.

The team were in the living room "Have you all had chicken pox?" Steve asked "Yeah, Peter had them two weeks ago, remember (Y/N) was taking care of him" Tony replied "She's got them, she hasn't been herself all day, I'm going to bring her in here. She won't eat a thing" Steve explained "Yeah, bring her in" Nat said.

Steve went back to you, he picked up your blanket and pillow, taking your hand "come on" he said.

You walked in the living room, Nat moved up a little "come here, you get comfortable next to me" she said. You nestled in the gap, Steve covered you with the blanket and Nat put the pillow on her chest, you rested your head on it, she wiped the tears that spilled over "You could have told me you were sick. Have you drank anything?" She asked "Water. Can I have tea?" You asked "Sure, I'll make you some" Steve said. Vision was sat on the other side of you, he placed his hand on your forehead "does that feel better?" He asked, you nodded. You drank the tea, Wanda knelt in front of you and gave you a happy dream. You fell asleep on Nat, she smiled at how contempt you were.

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