The Red Skull's experiment

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You were sat in a base waiting for the Howling Commandos to come save you from your 24 years of torture at the hands of the Red Skull. You were going in for another session. The session finished and they took you back to the cell, you were laid on the cold, damp floor. Freezing. You had very little strength even with the serum. It wasn't long before there was a commotion in the base "Are we deploying the soldier?" Zola asked "She can't stand. So no!" Red Skull replied. 

It wasn't long before the began to flee. People came in, you assumed the Howling Commandos. Someone unlocked the cell "Bucky, I'm going to see if the Red Skull is here" Steve said "Okay, Be careful Steve" Bucky replied. 

Bucky knelt beside you and rolled you on to your back "Hey, doll. Do you know where you are?" he asked "Base" you replied quietly "okay, I'm Bucky. It looks like they've really managed to hurt you, pretty bad. I'm going to get you out of here" he said. Bucky went over to the tray for a piece of gauze and a bandage, he placed the gauze on you head wound and wrapped the bandage around it. A vial caught his eye, it read Super-soldier Serum, he picked it up and put it in his pocket. He picked you up as Steve returned. 

Carrying you out to the jeep and laying you on the seat "What's your name?" Bucky asked "1309" you replied "You're kidding?" Bucky said "We're just numbers" you said "Okay, well. Let's call you (Y/N). Do you remember my name?" he said "Bucky" you replied "Yep, you're doing good. Do you know what happened to you?" he asked "Torture. Experiments. I'm the child, the skull didn't want" you replied. "Holy hell" Steve exclaimed. 

On the journey back you started screaming in pain "(Y/N), shhh, shhh. What's hurting?" Bucky asked, you kept screaming "(Y/N), doll. Deep breathes, Shhhh, shhhh. I've got you, you're safe" he said. A few moments later and you had passed out "(Y/N), darling, open your eyes. Can you hear me?" Bucky asked. 

"Dugan radio ahead for medics" Steve said "Will do. Howling Commandos to base, can any one read?" Dugan said "Hearing you loud and clear Dugan" Peggy replied "Miss Carter, have medics prepared at the scene, we have a dire emergency. One unconscious hostage from the base. Severe head wound, she passed out a few moment's ago and is not responsive" Dugan replied "Will do, keep her alive for as long as you can" Peggy replied. 

Bucky had laid you on the ground, he began giving you CPR "Come on girl. You can do it" he said. He began mouth to mouth. Upon arrival at base, Steve opened the doors, Peggy and the medics were there, you gasped a little, Bucky sighed with relief and smiled a little. He picked you up and laid you on the stretcher, they gave you oxygen and carried you to the hospital. Once they'd fixed up the wounds and made sure you were stable, they put you on an IV drip and let Bucky sit beside you. Peggy and Steve walked in, Bucky gave them the vial, "Found this in her cell, I'm assuming they gave it to her" he said "That's what the labs suggest" Peggy replied. 

A few days later, Bucky sat beside you everyday to make sure you didn't wake up lonely. You started to come around "Hey (Y/N)" he said stroking you knuckles "Bucky, How long have I been here?" you asked "You've been here for almost a week. You stopped breathing while in the jeep. I kept you alive on the journey. You scared me" he said "Sorry. I don't know why I passed out" you replied "Something to do with the torture you underwent. It's played havoc with your brain, it's going to be like that for the rest of your life. You won't pass out again.  But you're going to be stuck with things like PTSD" he replied. Bucky could tell you were terrified "It's okay. I'm here. You have me, Steve and the rest of the Commandos. We're here for you" he said. 

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