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You woke up that morning at 7:00am, it was a Monday so you had school to go to. You had a headache, sore throat and was feeling a little nauseated. You got up and got changed anyway, taking a couple painkillers before heading out of your room. You walked into the kitchen, "What would (Y/N) want for breakfast?" Steve asked "Toast" you replied "Okay" he replied. Peter came in the kitchen and Wanda gave him some pancakes. After breakfast you and him went off to school, when arriving at the stairs, he started to pick up on the fact you were sick "(Y/N), you feeling okay?" he asked "I'm fine, its just a headache" you replied "I can ring Steve to come get you, there's no use you being here if you can't focus" he said "I'll be fine" you replied. 

At lunch break, you really regretted staying at school, your headache had gotten works, so had your nausea. When the bell rang, you ran into the bathroom to see how you were looking. You felt a wave of severe sickness, you ran into one of the stalls and puked up. You sat there for a few minutes before getting up and leaning on the stall. You headed straight for your final lesson, in which Peter was sat next to you. "I didn't see you at lunch, you look terrible" he said "Oh thanks" you replied "No, seriously. Have you been sick?" he asked feeling your forehead "Peter, cut it out" you said. 

After heading back home, Peter left you alone seeing as you were snappy. You grabbed a water bottle from the fridge, you felt a wave of dizziness, you sat at the counter sipping on the water. Steve was talking to Clint and Nat about the latest mission. Tony and Bruce were discussing some sort of invention. Bucky seemed to be nowhere to be seen. You soon felt a cold hand on your shoulder, you jumped a little "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you" Bucky said "Its okay" you whispered "(Y/N), are you okay?" he asked. Black dots started dancing in your vision, and the room began to spin. You attempted to get up so you didn't pass out on the floor but it was failing "(Y/N)!" Bucky said trying to get your attention, you fell. The last thing you felt was being caught in his arms, everything went black. 

When you came around, you felt a soft pillow behind your head. You headache felt like someone was hitting you on the head continuously, you whole body ached and you were feeling horrifically nauseous. You looked to the side and found Bucky sat reading a book. You could feel bile crawling up your throat, you got up and ran to the bathroom, you dropped to the floor and gagged. You were vomiting continuously, you couldn't catch your breathe and was also panicking, Bucky rubbed circles on your back "(Y/N), hey. You're getting yourself too worked up, relax" he soothed, you stopped dry heaving, but was still panicking. Bucky pulled you onto his lap, he put your legs around his waist making you sit a little straighter, you latched onto him like a koala bear, he placed your hand over his heart, "Rest your head on my shoulder, and try to match my breathing" he said. Your panic attack slowly went away, you were falling asleep in Bucky's arms, he picked you up gently like a child and carried you back to bed, he laid down with you, you were shaking. Bucky wrapped his arms around you 'I'm not moving, Just sleep" he whispered. " 'M sorry" you mumbled "You don't need to be. I'm here because you need me here. You're like a daughter to me, so I will be here to take care of you" he said. You fell asleep knowing someone cared about you. 

Bucky could feel the heat radiating off you, Steve came in the room "Holy christ, What's wrong?" he asked "You know she passed out. She's got the flu, she's been sick and had a panic attack. I don't know how it started or when, but she's really really sick" Bucky replied "I'll ask Peter, see if he knows, You're okay looking after her, aren't you?" Steve asked "Yes, she's like my kid, I'd do this everyday if I had to" Bucky replied "Aww, cute" Steve replied. 

Bucky heard a groan, he looked at down to see you in pain and hugging him tighter, you started whimpering. You started mumbling something, Bucky sat you up and shakes you a little "Muffin, hey. Wake up. It's not real, come on" he said. You opened your eyes slowly, you looked confused "You were having a nightmare so I had to wake you" he explained. You rested your head on his chest, you started breathing heavily "Bucky, I'm gonna throw up" you said, he sat you up and grabbed the trash can from beside the bed, he put it under your chin and you started coughing up bile again "You're okay, Shhh, You're okay" he said rubbing your back "Just get it all out" he soothed. After the vomiting had subsided, Bucky helped you take a few sips of peppermint water. Bucky laid you back down in his lap, gently, he let you nuzzle his metal arm while stroking your hair. You went right to sleep and so did he. 

When Bucky woke up in the morning, you hadn't moved at all, he felt your forehead, it was cool but a little sweaty, your fever had broke, you stirred a little and nuzzled further into his side "You're getting better, my little muffin" Bucky whispered. 

Marvel Imagines part 2Where stories live. Discover now