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You were laid on the bed in the lab, sometimes you were thankful that Micheal made the decision to actually have one. You collapsed onto it when you got in after a sudden stomachache. You hoped that he wouldn't see you like this but it was too late as the door opened. Micheal saw you, he came over and covered you with the blanket, he pulled up a chair "Rosebud, are you okay?" he asked, you didn't reply, staying curled up, he stroked your hair, a nurse came in "Dr. (L/N)?" she asked "She's here. She's not feeling to well" Micheal replied "I can go" you said "Not like this, can you even stand up?" he asked. You tried to sit up but the pain came back with vengeance "Okay, I'll get someone else. Stay in here" the nurse said. You laid back down, "So you've got a stomachache. Have you had anything to drink since coming down here?" Micheal asked "No, don't dare to try yet" you replied "okay, rosebud. I'll be over there, I'll keep checking on you, bring you some water in a little bit, you just rest" he said, kissing your forehead. 

A few hours went by, Micheal heard whimpered moans, he looked up as saw just how pale you'd gotten, "(Y/N), are you okay over there?" he asked, you whimpered again. Micheal went over to you "That water hasn't settled well, has it?" he asked, you shook your head, he got a bowl from the cabinet, and sat the bed up. It didn't take long before you threw up, he rubbed your back "You shouldn't be here" you whispered "I should, you're in the best place, my rosebud." he said. A nurse walked into the room "Dr Morbius, is there anyway I can help?" they asked "Pass the box of tissues and another bowl, then go get a cool cloth and IV Paracetamol" Micheal replied. The nurse did everything they were told. "Michael, I'm sorry" you said "Don't apologise for vomiting, it can't be helped, I'm a doctor so it doesn't matter, hopefully this painkiller will help you" he said. He placed the IV in your hand, the nurse came back, "Thank you, if you could just take this, that'll be all" Micheal said "Do you want a test ran on it?" the nurse "No, It's a simple sickness bug" Micheal replied. 

Micheal laid the cloth on your forehead, he gave you the medicine, you had a few sips of water. He laid the bed down, sitting beside you "Is this what you feel like?" you asked "Pain probably. I wouldn't wish this on you. I'd prefer you to get stomach bugs" he replied "I don't" you said "No one does. How's that water settling?" he replied "Not good" you replied. He ran his fingers through your hair, sitting in silence for a little while. "Micheal" you groaned, he held the bowl under your chin, catching the second round of sick, as you were shaking, you coughed up the water along with stomach acid, he comforted you any way he could "Where's your pain?" he asked "Right side" you replied, he pressed the emergency button "Shhh, shhh. You're doing good, get it out of your system" he soothed, Five nurses came down with a stretcher "Where are we going?" she asked "Is there an emergency surgeon available?" Micheal asked "Yes, he's ready now." the nurse replied "We need to get Dr (L/N), to the theatre as soon as possible, she's got appendicitis" he said "How far?" the male nurse asked, Micheal lifted your shirt, "Quite far, she's swollen" Micheal replied. 

The got you on the bed and rushed you to the theatre, Micheal came in with you, they got you under and prepped quickly, he sat waiting in the lab for you. As soon as you came out of surgery they brought you back down, "It was successful" the nurse said. 

You woke up not long after, "Why didn't you say?" he asked "I was fine" you replied "You weren't fine. You filled almost 4 bowls with puke, not to mention the massive swelling" Micheal replied "sorry, I didn't think it was serious" you replied "Your appendix would have burst and then you'd be dead. So pretty serious" he said "Not the first time I've had it" you replied. He looked at you confused "Why didn't you have the surgery then?" he asked "No one could take me to the hospital" you replied "Can I take a sample of your blood?" Micheal asked 'Sure" you replied. 

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